Compiled in 1996 by
William J. Alder, R. Clayton Brough, Sean T. Buchanan,
David R. James, Daniel W. Pope and Benjamin T. Tolman
David R. James, Daniel W. Pope and Benjamin T. Tolman
1910 - A combination of heavy rainfall, warm temperatures, southwest winds, and snow cover triggered serious flooding in southern Utah. Every stream and drainage course was filled to full capacity near Milford. By the time the water had concentrated in the channel of the Beaver River at Milford the stream was about 1¼ miles wide. The New Year's Day storm also caused damage to the water systems in and around St. George.
1979 - Salt Lake City recorded an all-time high barometric pressure of 31.01 inches.
1979 - Bitterly cold arctic air dominated all of Utah. Due to a lack of snow cover, ground frost permeated the ground to a depth of six feet in many areas. Many homes and businesses in northern and eastern Utah suffered heavily from frozen water pipes, which flooded many Salt Lake area businesses. Total damages soared to near $200,000.
1972 - Winds in excess of 60 mph snapped telephone and power lines in northern Box Elder County. Nearly 100 travelers were stranded near Park Valley by 10-foot snow drifts. Several calves were frozen to death.
1991 - Patchy areas of dense fog in the Salt Lake Valley produced a tragic chain reaction multi-vehicle accident (totaling 52 cars/trucks/semis) on I-215 and the Redwood Road area of North Salt Lake. Four people were killed and many more were injured.
1993 - A "big dump" of snow occurred along the central Wasatch Front and adjacent mountains. Some snowfall amounts for the storm included: Solitude Ski Resort 35", West Kearns and Spanish Fork 21", Taylorsville and Holladay 17", Tooele and Hogle Zoo 16", and Magna 15".
1991 - Moab received 8" of snow--the most in a 24-hour period since 10" fell in December 1949.
1992 - A southern California storm moved inland and spread snow across the entire state. St. George received 3-5" of the white stuff and Zion National
Park picked up 4" of snow.
Park picked up 4" of snow.
1981 - Sub-zero temperatures froze overhead fire protection sprinkler pipes as well as water mains in Salt Lake City, Ogden, and Logan. In Kingston (Piute County), frigid temperatures froze and broke 1½ miles of the city's water line.
1987 - The second snowstorm of the year dropped 43" of snow at Alta, 40" at Park City, and 13" at Tooele.
1974 - A major winter storm moved across southern Utah, dropping more than 12 inches of snow at Kanab and St. George, and causing automobile accidents totaling nearly $40,000 in damage.
1986 - Freezing rain, ice pellets, and vivid lightning accompanied a squall line/cold front across northern and central Utah.
1994 - Alta set a new state 24-hour snowfall record with 55.5" of snow. The snow contained 3.20" of water. The previous 24-hour snowfall record was 45.0" at Alta on January 22-23 1992.
1984 - Black ice created by freezing drizzle resulted in a massive traffic accident on I-15 just north of Salt Lake City.
1988 - A weather disturbance moved into northern Nevada the evening of the 6th,and developed into a major winter storm by the time it moved across Utah. The excitement began with freezing rain reported in Davis, Weber, and portions of Salt Lake County. Not a lot of freezing rain fell, but enough did to make things slick resulting in several auto accidents. Heavy snow followed. Some snowfall amounts from around the state included: Huntington Canyon 14-18", Ibapah 14", Nephi 8-9", and Delta 5".
1993 - A "once-in-a-100 year event" struck the heart of the Wasatch Front with nearly continuous amounts of heavy snow for a six-day period. Governor Mike Leavitt declared a State of Emergency in Salt Lake County the morning of the 11th due to massive amounts of snow. This action activated the Utah National Guard who assisted in snow removal. Some of the six day snowfall totals were:
Duck Creek
North Orem
Deer Creek Dam
Salt Lake Airport
1952 - Eureka (Juab County) was isolated for several days by a locally heavy snowstorm which produced 13 inches of snow that paralyzed all traffic in and around the town.
1957 - A lightning bolt struck the dome of the Capitol Building in Salt Lake City and a large hailstorm hit the Provo area. Three inches of snow fell in Provo after the hailstorm, snarling traffic.
1983 - Strong gusty winds were reported throughout the western valleys of Utah. Gusts over 60 mph were recorded in both Salt Lake and Utah Counties, with a 70 mph wind speed recorded at the University of Utah and 120 mph on the top of Hidden Peak at Snowbird Ski Resort.
1984 - A combination of freezing drizzle and snow grains caused a 30 to 40 car pileup near American Fork.
1990 - A January heat wave hit Utah. Cedar City recorded the hottest January day ever with a 70 degree reading. The University of Utah also recorded the warmest ever for January with 65 degrees.
1952 - A heavy snowstorm with 60 mph winds persisted for two days in Cache and Rich Counties. Snowdrifts up to 14 feet high blocked highways and isolated the towns of Garden City, Laketown, and Woodruff. Motorists sought shelter with local residents.
1964 - Winds of 40 to 60 mph picked up sheets of crusted snow at Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake City, creating snowrollers that looked like large doughnut-shaped snowballs.
1988 - A vigorous cold front swept across Utah with heavy snow and hurricane force winds. Some wind gusts from around the state included: Park City 100 mph, Trenton 77 mph, Springville and Pleasant Grove 63 mph, Smithfield and North Ogden 60 mph, and the Salt Lake Airport 59 mph. In addition, lightning and thunder was noted at both Smithfield and Salem.
1993 - A record snow depth of 26" was measured at the Salt Lake City International Airport.
1963 - The high temperature of 4°F at Salt Lake City was the coldest 24-hour maximum temperature ever recorded, until December 22, 1990 when the mercury only reached a high of 2°F.
1971- Logan Canyon was the target of 22 mudslides. Deep snowpack along with unusually warm weather triggered the slides. Several summer homes were completely demolished by the slides and avalanches.
1953 - A heavy snowstorm centered along the east side of the Salt Lake Valley deposited 2.40 inches of precipitation in less than 24 hours, including a record 14.7 inches of snow at Salt Lake City in 24 hours. Cottonwood Weir, situated at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon, reported 27.5 inches of snow and 3.95 inches of precipitation. Tremendous damage was done to roofs, and power and communication facilities were interrupted from Kaysville to American Fork.
1960 - A major snowstorm created hazardous driving conditions across Utah, resulting in 118 accidents in one day.
1975 - A snowstorm hit the Heber Valley, dropping 24 inches of snow, with six inches reported in two hours.
1987 - Strong easterly canyon winds howled along the Wasatch Front. Wind gusts included: Centerville 98 mph, Bountiful 89 mph, Ogden 80 mph, and West Valley City 52 mph. The winds dropped wind-chill temperatures to -50°F in some canyons. In southern Utah the same major winter storm dumped 14" of snow at Kanosh, 11" at Hanksville, and 5" at Bullfrog.
1995 - A near record 99.7" of snow fell at the Alta UDOT location in about a 68-hour period. The water amount in the snow was 6.64". The same storm responsible for the snowfall at Alta also hit the rest of the state with a strong cold front, laced with thunderstorms. Other snowfall amounts from around the state were: Park City 29", Springville 21", Provo BYU 17", Alpine 16", Bountiful and Sandy 13", Fillmore 11", Ogden 10", Salt Lake City International Airport 9", and Cedar City, and Payson 4".
1984 - A dozen stations across Utah reported record low temperatures of -9°F or colder. The coldest spot was Woodruff in the Bear Lake Valley with a low of -27°F.
1983 - South central Utah was hit hard by a strong winter storm. Mt. Pleasant (Sanpete County) received 8 inches of snow while Ephraim picked up 7 inches. The town of Spring City got the brunt of the storm with 15 inches.
1988 - A massive winter storm "clobbered" southern and eastern Utah. This was one of the biggest storms in this portion of the state in nearly three years. Some of the amounts of snow were as follows: Duck Creek 26", Monticello and Bryce Canyon 24", Hiawatha 15", Milford and Escalante 13", Castledale 12", Blanding 12-14", and Ferron 11" of snow.
1984 - Bitter cold temperatures were recorded across Utah. The uninhabited reporting station of Middle Sinks in Logan Canyon recorded an incredible reading of -64°F. Rich County had frigid readings with -40°F at Randolph. In the Cache Valley low temperatures included: Wellsville -39°F, Trenton -32°F, Smithfield -30°F, and -27°F at River Heights. Other reports from around the state included: Solitude and Thiokol 30°F, Heber -29°F, Fairfield, and Jensen -28°F.
1990 - A band of heavy snow rotated into the 4-Corners area. An awesome 14" of snow fell at Monticello and 10" at Blanding.
1986 - Dense fog contributed to two fatal accidents near the Great Salt Lake Beach. Meanwhile, fog-free Provo BYU reported a record high temperature of 57°F.
1937 - Salt Lake City received 9.8 inches of snow in 24 hours.
1985 - Old Man Winter unloaded copious amounts of snow in Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley and the Uinta Basin. Utah County received 12-15 inches of snow with Payson receiving the Lion's share at 18 inches. Vernal had 9 inches.
1964 - The greatest 24-hour mountain snowfall ever recorded in Utah occurred at Brighton Ski Resort: 35 inches.
1949 - The second deepest snow ever measured at the Salt Lake City Airport was recorded on this date: 23 inches.
1990 - A fast moving cold front blasted across northern Utah during the evening hours. A peak wind gust of 117 mph was recorded at the top of Hidden Peak at Snowbird Ski Resort.
1965 - Alta received 105 inches of snow, the greatest amount of snowfall from one storm ever recorded in Utah.
1952 - A snowslide roared down Snowslide Canyon in Provo Canyon and covered the road, river, and railroad tracks for nearly ½ mile. Snow depths ranged from 35 to 70 feet.
1984 - Freezing rain fell in areas of Ogden and Tooele. Numerous avalanches occurred in the Wasatch Mountains.
1989 - Brrrrr!!! Was it ever cold. Some of the frigid morning low temperatures were: Middle Sink 46°F, Trenton -34, Lewiston/Logan Airport -30°F, Wellsville -28°F, and Providence -18°F. In addition, a record low maximum temperature occurred at Richfield of only 15°F.
1982 - An extremely strong wind gust of 120 mph was observed at the Summit House in Park City. At Snowbird Ski Resort winds reached 95 mph. The high temperature of 62°F in Salt Lake City was the warmest January reading ever.
1956 - A Tooele couple missed death by minutes when a tree was blown onto their trailer, crushing the living room which they had just vacated. The Heber Valley area was hit hard by winds with thousands of dollars in damage to buildings.
1916 - A record low barometric pressure of 28.96 inches was observed at Salt Lake City. In southwestern Utah at Modena (Iron County), the pressure dropped to 28.91 inches. Winds associated with the strong pressure gradient reached hurricane velocity, resulting in unroofed structures across southwestern Utah.
1956 - Gale-force winds (39-54 mph) hit Heber City, destroying two wearhouses valued at $9,000.
1911 - A landslide in Provo Canyon covered about 500 feet of railroad track to a depth of nearly 50 feet in some places.
1969 - Extreme blizzard conditions at the Point of the Mountain (between Sandy and Lehi) dropped visibility to zero and stranded over 150 automobiles.
1986 - Strong southerly winds gusted to 94 mph on the top of Hidden Peak at Snowbird Ski Resort.
1915 - Very heavy rains deluged parts of Utah. Some amounts included: Leeds (Washington County) 3.55", Hayden (Duchesne County) 3.50", New Harmony (Washington County) 3.26", and Tropic (Garfield County) 2.52" of rainfall.
1993 - A low pressure area developed over the northern Great Basin and drifted into southern Nevada. The wind flow around this storm, combined with an injection of tropical moisture, created a monstrous snow event across southern and central Utah. The intensity and duration of snowfall in western Wayne County was a "once-in-a-100 year" storm. Some storm totals for the two-day period included: Teasdale 49", Brian Head Ski Resort 43", Torrey 41", Bryce Canyon 35", Capitol Reef 27", Escalante 20", Modena 14", Kanarraville and New Harmony 12".
1963 - Early state precipitation records were established at Deer Creek Dam in north central Utah. In 24 hours 5.08" of precipitation fell, in 48 hours 8.88", in 72 hours 9.59", and in 96 hours 10.13". These records were broken in the 1970's.
1980 - A major snowstorm blanketed Utah with 12" of snow at valley locations and two to three feet in the mountains and higher valleys.
1911 - A warm, rainy spell produced numerous floods across the higher elevations of northern Utah. In the vicinity of Alta, a disastrous slide occurred during the night of the 31st, demolishing a bunkhouse and killing four miners.
1985 - Bitter cold Arctic air settled over the entire state. Peter Sinks, an uninhabited, desolate depression located at the 8,100 foot level up Logan Canyon, plunged to -65°F. Sage Creek Junction (Rich County) dropped to -51°F.
1963 - An intense series of thunderstorms over Northern Utah flooded the Provo City water line, destroying over 500,000 fish at the Midway Fish Hatchery and damaging property in Heber City (Wasatch County), Vivian Park (Utah County), and Wellsville (Cache County).
1989 - A very strong cold front slammed into Utah from the north bringing heavy snowfalls to Wasatch Front communities. Ahead of the front strong south winds blew, including: Milford 61 mph, Salt Lake City International Airport 54 mph, Cedar City 52 mph, and Holladay 48 mph. Snowfall amounts were impressive with 10-20" falling in favored valley locations along the Wasatch Front. Magna was the winner with 20" of snowfall. A record was set at the Salt Lake City International Airport for the greatest 24-hour snowfall in February with 11.9".
1910 - Severe winds ripped down telephone wires from Salt Lake City northward. Damages amounted to $75,000. Water whipped by the wind washed away portions of the embankment and railings along the Great Salt Lake.
1985 - St. George received over one-fourth of its average annual snowfall with one inch in 24 hours.
1978 - Help was needed in the central Utah town of Helper as heavy snow caused a flat-roofed building on Main Street to collapse under tons of snow. In another part of town a man barely escaped injury when his aluminum carport awning crashed to the ground under the weight of the heavy snow.
1982 - A combination of very high easterly canyon winds and cold morning low temperatures produced wind-chill readings of -80°F in portions of the Salt Lake Valley. Winds speeds of over 80 mph were reported at the Fire Weather Station near the University of Utah. The strong wind gusts closed portions of U.S. Highway 89 between Ogden and Hill Air Force Base.
1953 - The state's greatest 24-hour valley snowfall occurred at Kanosh (Millard County) with 35 inches.
1982 - One of the coldest mornings ever recorded in northeast Utah. The bitter cold readings in Rich County included: Randolph -44°F and Woodruff 42°F.
1986 - Easterly canyon winds became severe along the western slopes of the Wasatch Mountains. The winds toppled two semi-trucks, blew a small jet off the runway at Brigham City, and downed eight power lines at Kaysville. Wind speeds reached 87 mph at Farmington and 80 mph at Centerville.
1989 - An Alaskan clipper put all of Utah into a deep freeze with record low temperatures set at many locations. Some of the frigid readings included: Middle Sink (Logan Canyon) -54°F, Roosevelt 47°F, Randolph -42°F, Heber -35°F, Richfield 33°F, Delta 26°F, and Salt Lake City International Airport -14°F.
1949 - During one of the worst winters in Utah history, heavy snowfall of up to 10 inches and hurricane force winds (74+ mph) closed roads in Delta, Milford, Cedar City, and Bountiful. Two men froze to death and schools closed down in the Davis, Weber, and Granite School Districts.
1985 - Hurricane force winds reached 105 mph at the Angle Station at Park City. Winds in the western valleys stranded many cars and several buses in snowdrifts on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley.
1953 - Millard County recorded one of the heaviest snowstorms to ever hit southwest Utah. Kanosh reported 42 inches of snow and 4.43 inches of precipitation. Cove Fort reported 4.75 inches of precipitation.
1962 - In Wasatch County, two feet of snow accompanied by rain and above-normal temperatures caused heavy runoff, resulting in one of the worst floods in Heber City history. Charleston and Wallsburg were also flooded.
1933 - The mercury at Salt Lake City plummeted to the coldest reading ever recorded, an Arctic like -30°F.
1986 - A brief burst of snow glazed up I-15 in Salt Lake County resulting in a 50 car pileup and numerous injuries.
1975 - Strong winds of 65 mph caused the derailment of a chair lift at Park City Ski Resort. The winds also prompted the shutdown of the gondola. Because of the strong winds, reaching 80 mph at some locations, the wind-chill temperature dropped to -50°F or colder above the 9,000 foot level.
1915 - Heavy rains hit parts of Utah. Some rainfall amounts included: Elberta (Utah County) 3.65", New Harmony (Washington County) 3.13", Heber City (Wasatch County) 2.80", and Provo (Utah County) 2.54".
1982 - Kanab (Kane County) just a few miles north of the Arizona border, received ¼ of their annual snowfall when six inches of snow fell in 24 hours.
1986 - Nearly three feet of heavy dense snow fell in the Wasatch Mountains. Sundance Ski Resort, located up Provo Canyon, received 36 inches. An avalanche destroyed a house in the Sundance area leaving only the pillars standing.
1992 - A band of heavy showers rolled through southwest Utah. Storm water totals in the mountains of the southwest were phenomenal: Little Grassy 5.00", Tenneco Mines 4.72", Midway Valley 3.00", Kolob 2.70", and Long Valley 2.20". Other water amounts from the storm were: Duck Creek 2.72", Zion National Park 2.11", Kanab 1.95", St. George 1.53", and Monticello 1.08".
1885 - A massive avalanche at Alta's Emma Mine covered ¾ of the town and killed 16 people.
1987 - An active squall line of thunderstorms produced winds up to 70 mph at Logan and 51 mph at Centerville.
1995 - A major winter storm hit in most areas of the state. The cold front associated with the storm stalled over extreme northern Utah. The front was dotted with thunderstorms moving through the heart of the Wasatch Front during the morning commute. Sundance, in the mountains of northern Utah, reported a wind gust of 120 mph. Laketown reported 17" of snowfall. In the southwest, St. George had a peak wind gust of 63 mph.
1985 - Widespread dense fog was blamed for many massive multiple vehicle accidents and three deaths along the Wasatch Front. On the 13th, 30 cars and several semis were involved in a pileup on the Beck Street overpass near North Salt Lake. On the 14th, another car/semi truck accident occurred in Kaysville. On the 15th, there was a multiple car mishap around Magna. On the 18th, a teenager drove his truck into the Jordan River and drowned. Beck Street was the site of another chain-reaction traffic accident on the 19th. The unwelcomed heavy fog dispersed on the 20th.
1910 - There was no love lost between Utahns and Mother Nature on this Valentine's Day as residents put up with the second severe day of strong winds in as many weeks. Salt Lake City recorded a wind speed of 52 mph. Nearly 200 bathhouses at Saltair were demolished. Waters of the Great Salt Lake washed out 4 miles of track belonging to the Western Pacific Railroad, causing about $50,000 damage.
1982 - Twenty-eight avalanches occurred in American Fork Canyon in Utah County.
1986 - One of the highest wind gusts ever recorded in Utah occurred on the mountain slopes above Park City: 120 mph.
1986 - Heavy rains continued for the fifth consecutive day, causing widespread urban flooding throughout portions of Davis, Weber, and Morgan Counties of northern Utah. The small community of Porterville (Morgan County) received 4.50 inches of rain in four days.
1984 - The "Great Salt Lake Effect" dumped up to two feet of snow on Tooele. At Dugway, snow drifts up to three feet deep closed many roads. The rest of the state received up to a foot of snow in the valleys with over 2 feet in the mountains.
1926 - A deadly snowslide in Bingham Canyon (southwest Salt Lake County) demolished 14 miners cottages, a 3-story frame boarding house, and killed 36 people and injured 13 others out of the 65 people who were in its path.
1986 - Additional heavy rain and snow from the past week brought rare February flooding to many areas of northern Utah. Cache, Morgan, Wasatch, and Weber counties were declared disaster areas with property damage totaling almost $4,000,000. An avalanche rumbled down Bridal Veil Falls up Provo Canyon, destroying a tourist shop, tearing away portions of the roadway, and clogging the Provo River.
1993 - A strong tropical surge of moisture riding in a southwest flow over Utah brought strong southerly winds to most areas of the state. Some reported wind speeds: West Kearns 68 mph,
Tooele 57 mph, Delta 52 mph, West Valley 51 mph, Centerville 50 mph, and Cedar City 49 mph.
1983 - Hurricane force winds of over 74 mph in southern Utah knocked out power and phone lines, smashed windows, downed trees, and toppled walls. Damage estimates toppled the $4,000,000 mark, which included the loss of a 300 foot radio tower near Cedar City, a dozen aircraft damaged at the St. George Airport, and eight boats sunk at Lake Powell.
1986 - As rain finally tapered off, phenomenal eight-day precipitation totals were reported across portions of northern Utah: Wellsville (Cache County) 10.56", Deer Creek (Wasatch County) 9.76", Pineview (Summit County) 5.29", Midway (Wasatch County) 5.76", and Morgan (Morgan County) 4.48". A balmy low of 51°F was recorded at the Salt Lake City International Airport, the warmest minimum temperature reading ever recorded for February.
1986 - Strong south winds ushered another round of heavy rains into northwest Utah enhancing local flooding. Wind speeds were clocked at 119 mph at the Angle Station in Park City, 58 mph at Farmington, 54 mph at the Salt Lake City International Airport, and 52 mph at Provo BYU.
1971 - Easterly canyon winds gusting to nearly 100 mph destroyed over a dozen mobile homes in Kaysville and toppled eight moving railroad cars in Farmington. The winds also snapped power lines, blew over trees onto cars, broke windows, removed roofs, and twisted highway signs.
1993 - Strong winds laced with snow played havoc over the higher elevations of extreme northern Utah. Blizzard conditions were reported at mountain locations with I-80 closed for seven hours from Echo Junction to the Wyoming border. Schools were closed for the day in Rich County due to the hazardous weather conditions. In addition, 94 mph winds were clocked at Mt. Ogden.
1956 - A sharp change in temperatures occurred at Salt Lake City as the thermometer reached a high of 57°F at 2:50 PM, followed by a frontal passage and a temperature drop to 31°F by 6:30 PM--a fall of 26°F in less than four hours.
1993 - Heavy snow fell over many locations across northern and central Utah. Lightning and thunder accompanied some of the snow squalls on the evening of the 23rd in the south part of the Salt Lake Valley and across portions of Utah County. Some snowfall amounts included: Park City 30", Woodland 19", Eureka 18", Heber and Bountiful 15", Alpine and Tooele 14", Layton, American Fork, Provo BYU, and Centerville 11", Sandy 9-14", Nephi 8", Salt Lake Airport and Kearns 5", Vernal 3", South Jordan and Wendover 2".
1987 - A snowstorm produced an astounding 41" of snow at Duck Creek in the mountains of southwest Utah. The same storm also dumped 18" of the white stuff at Monticello and 11" at Bryce Canyon.
1972 - A mild reading of 69 °F was recorded at Salt Lake City. This was the warmest temperature ever recorded for the month of February.
1991 - Heavy rains fell across many areas of southern Utah, especially west of St. George in the Bull Mountain/Beaver Dam mountain range and on the south slopes of the Pine Valleys (under a strong southwest flow). Rainfall totals from the storm were very impressive: Little Grassy 6.30" and the Tenneco Mines (Gold Strike Project) 6.28" of precipitation. The same storm spread across the entire state with the following rainfall amounts: Ben Lomand Peak (northern Utah Mountains) 4.60", Kolob (southern Utah mountains) 4.00", Midway Valley 3.10", Zion National Park 2.23", Kanab 2.08", Hurricane 1.93", Monticello 1.64", Brigham City 1.60", and St. George 1.21".
1960 - The coldest leap year morning in the Salt Lake Valley occurred when the temperature plummeted to -4°F.
1988 - After the driest February on record at many locations across Utah, a line of thunderstorms moved from southwest Utah into the northern part of the state. Lightning knocked-out the radar system on a United Airlines jet as it was landing at the Salt Lake City International Airport.
1992 - Many stations in Utah "leaped" into the record books with the hottest leap day on record. Some of the records included: Provo BYU 70°F, and Delta and Fillmore 67°F.
1976 - Frequent wind speeds of 60+ mph were observed throughout western Utah. A vigorous cold front dumped up to one foot of snow in many areas of the state. Storm related damage reached a total of $350,000.
1974 - A major storm moved across most of western and northern Utah, accompanied by 75 mph winds in Bountiful and 90 mph winds in Hunter (Salt Lake County). Buildings and roofs were damaged, large truck-trailers and aircraft were overturned, and numerous traffic accidents occurred.
1989 - A very strong squall line developed out ahead of a main batch of cold air and moved into northern Utah. The line was characterized by thunderstorms, strong winds, frequent lightning, hail, and a tornado. The Salt Lake City International Airport recorded the lowest barometric pressure reading ever for the month of March with 29.07". In addition, hail piled up 1" deep at the airport and lightning hit a Delta jet on takeoff, forcing it to return. The storms deposited .40" of rain in just one hour.
1984 - Several people were injured in a fog-related chain reaction accident involving 15 cars in American Fork.
1938 - Very heavy rains fell across southern Utah. Flooding was reported throughout the area and reports of damage to crops and property were widespread. Some precipitation amounts included: Alton (Kane County) 3.97", Bryce Canyon 3.08", Zion National Park 3.02", Tropic (Garfield County) 2.83", and Leeds (Washington County) 2.45".
1985 - A very large winter storm over western and northern Utah left behind more than a foot of snow in the Cache Valley, and three to six inches of snow was common along the Wasatch Front. Strong northerly winds behind the cold front blew snow into five foot deep drifts in the Cache Valley and four foot deep drifts in portions of the Salt Lake Valley.
1978 - A large snowslide near Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon deposited snow at depths up to 75 feet that covered 2,000 feet of the main road. It took three days for crews to clear the road. I-80 in eastern Salt Lake City was closed as winds gusting over 70 mph reduced visibility to zero. At least 50 cars were abandoned on the highway.
1983 - Provo reported a wind gust of 69 mph on the 3rd. Cedar City received 15 inches of snow during the two days.
1993 - A weak storm entered extreme northwest Utah and then exploded over Ibapah (in the far west desert) producing five inches of snow overnight.
1982 - Heavy snowfall of three to five feet fell in the northern mountains during the four-day period.
1995 - Heavy rains fell in Washington and Kane Counties, producing heavy runoff in the Santa Clara River that washed out a 60-foot section of the sewer main that served Ivins and Santa Clara, discharging its putrid contents into the river. Rainfall amounts of 1.30" to 1.80" fell in a short period of time.
1985 - 100 mph winds were reported at the top of the tram at Park City.
1967 - Strong winds blew over a 120-foot brick wall at Nephi's Thermoid Plant.
1961 - High winds toppled 15 telephone poles like dominoes in Spanish Fork, affecting southern Utah telephone service for several hours.
1977 - Winds gusting up to 80 mph swept across much of northern and central Utah, ripping up trees, knocking over signs, and causing power outages. The storm kicked up huge clouds of dust over the Great Salt Lake Desert that resembled the dust bowl days of the 1930's. Following the storm, snows were driven horizontally by the winds. The dust that preceded the storm settled on top of power poles. When the snow turned it wet, the electrical insulators became conductors, causing the power to leak off insulators and setting the poles on fire.
1978 - Raging flood-swollen waters of a nearby creek turned a golf course at St. George into a giant water trap. Water was running eight inches above the top of the reservoir at the peak of the flood.
1990 - A major winter storm produced 10" of snow in less than 12 hours at the Salt Lake City International Airport.
1994 - The Randolph area received more snow than they had seen in a long time. Randolph received 10" of snow which tied the all-time record snowfall for a 24-hour period for any month. The record was previously set on May 11, 1983. In addition, 1.23" of precipitation was recorded which set an all-time 24-hour maximum precipitation record. The old record was .75" set on July 16, 1987.
MARCH 11-12
1906 - High winds blew down fences and sheds in Heber.
MARCH 11-13
1990 - A major winter storm dumped 36" of snow at Elk Meadows in the southern Utah mountains. Brian Head ski resort picked up 35".
1957 - The Cache Valley experienced locally strong winds that damaged trees, signs, television antennas, and windows. The strong winds also overturned a heavy trailer on U.S. Highway 91 in the Salt Lake Valley.
1959 - Winds gusting up to 71 mph ripped off a section of roof from Springville's public swimming pool building.
MARCH 13-14
1944 - A huge storm dumped 21.6 inches of snow in 24 hours at Salt Lake City.
1920 - Unusually high winds blew throughout the southeastern counties of Utah, damaging trees, roofs, and barns.
MARCH 15-16
1984 - A squall line of thunderstorms and its parent cold front produced winds and heavy hail along the Wasatch Front. Very powerful wind gusts pushed ice to a depth of 20 feet along the east side of Farmington Bay while power poles were sheared off by wind blown ice on the flooded south end of the Great Salt Lake. A strong gust of 69 mph was recorded at Eagle Range on the west side of the Great Salt Lake.
1988 - A localized strong easterly canyon wind event struck the Centerville/Farmington area of northern Utah with 80 mph winds. South Ogden recorded a wind gust to 51 mph.
1993 - A flash flood went across I-15 about 20 miles south of Cedar City during the evening hours. The remnants of a natural dam that was formed by a landslide three years previous collapsed. This dam was located in the Zion NP/Kolob Canyon area. The mud, water, and debris that roared down Taylor Canyon was about 12 feet high and 45 feet wide. By the time it crossed the interstate it was about three feet high and still nearly 45 feet wide. There were five reported accidents/incidents. Three cars slid and rolled and one semi tipped on its side.
MARCH 17-18
1874 - Heavy snowstorms brought the total snow cover in Salt Lake City to a depth of 22 inches.
1961 - Strong easterly canyon winds gusting to at least 84 mph caused over $1,000,000 in damage from Salt Lake City to Ogden. In Salt Lake City two youths were blown from a truck and injured.
1994 - Lightning struck a house in Logan damaging a VCR, television, stereo, and telephone. The lightning also singed the rain gutter and blew out a chunk of cement from the foundation.
MARCH 19-20
1983 - "Lake Effect" snows moved off the Great Salt Lake and deposited 13" of heavy snow at Bountiful and 17" of snow in 24 hours at Snowbird Ski Resort.
1995 - A wind gust of 87 mph was recorded along I-80 near Saltair, blowing a truck off the roadway and into the Great Salt Lake. Coalville also received strong southerly winds with a peak gust of 60 mph. The winds were blowing in advance of an approaching cold front.
MARCH 21-22
1973 - Up to 15 inches of snow fell on major populated areas of Weber and Box Elder Counties. The heavy, wet snow knocked down nearly 20 miles of power and telephone lines, closed schools for two days, and caused more than $1,000,000 in damage to buildings and livestock.
1994 - In advance of a cold front, strong south winds howled across much of Utah. Some of the wind gusts included: Milford and Delta 75 mph, Cedar City 71 mph, Provo BYU 69 mph, and St. George and Maeser 66 mph. As a result of the high winds, an auto and hardware store in Milford had its roof blown off into a lumber yard next door. Also, road signs along I-15 near Cedar City were toppled, a window was blown out of a house in Maeser, and a swamp cooler was blown off a roof and across the road at Hamilton Fort.
1983 - A vigorous cold front dumped up to 31" of snow at Alta Ski Resort. Up to 12" of snow fell in the Cedar City/Parowan area.
MARCH 23-25
1995 - A strong spring storm dumped an incredible 49" of snow on Brian Head Ski Resort in southern Utah.
MARCH 24-25
1983 - A trough of low pressure, influenced by the Great Salt Lake and the Wasatch Mountains, dumped over 18" of snow along the bench areas of Salt Lake, Utah, and southern Davis Counties. Alta Ski Resort picked up 31" of snow within a 24-hour period. The heavy wet snow was responsible for numerous power outages and broken tree limbs.
MARCH 25-26
1975 - A major winter storm moved into Utah, bringing moderate winds and heavy snowfall. Damage caused by wind-driven ice on Bear Lake approached $10,000.
MARCH 26-27
1985 - Hurricane force winds of 74 mph hit the Cache Valley. A house under construction was knocked 10 feet off its foundation.
1977 - A damaging windstorm hit the Wasatch Front with winds approaching 100 mph. Extensive damage was done to many homes.
MARCH 27-28
1985 - A record-breaking snowstorm unloaded copious amounts of snow over central and southern Utah. Milford received a record 20.6" of snow in 24 hours. Other phenomenal amounts included: Cove Fort (Millard County) 32", Minersville (Beaver County) 30", Marysvale (Piute County) 24", Beaver (Beaver County) 22", Richfield (Sevier County) 18", and Loa (Wayne County) 17" of snow.
MARCH 29-30
1984 - Persistent east winds whipped across northern Utah. A wind gust of 86 mph was clocked at the Logan Airport. A peak wind gust of 82 mph was measured on the Bountiful bench, 78 mph in Smithfield, and 72 mph in Farmington. In the meantime, a storm system dumped heavy snow in southwest and south central Utah. Fresh snow depths included: Bicknell (Wayne County) 17", Torrey (Wayne County) 15", and Circleville (Piute County) 14".
1967 - Winds of over 50 mph shorted out power lines, causing a fire that burned Circleville Elementary School, in Piute County, to the ground.
1985 - Easterly canyon winds reached 88 mph at Farmington.
1988 - Very cold temperatures were recorded in central Utah. A few of the colder reports included, Milford with 9°F, (a record cold low), Santaquin 15°F, and Payson 16°F.
1992 - Heavy rains hit the Cedar City area during the afternoon hours. One weather observer reported an even 1.00" of rain in a short period of time. The UHP in Cedar City reported "water gushing over the gutters" and across roadways in some places of town. Parked cars were covered with hail.
1980 - A hard freeze in Utah's Dixie destroyed blossoming peaches, plums, and apricots.
1982 - March didn't "leave like a lamb" as gusty winds howled throughout much of northern Utah. Wellsville, located in the southwest corner of the Cache Valley, reported a wind gust of 63 mph.
1982 - Wind gusts were registered up to 58 mph in Milford, 57 mph at Provo BYU, 51 mph at Salt Lake City, and 50 mph in Monticello. In addition, up to 8" of snow fell along portions of the Wasatch Front.
1984 - A winter-like storm dumped 19" of snow in South Jordan and 10" of snow at Provo.
1985 - The snow finally melted at Utah State University in Logan, after establishing a new record of 128 consecutive days of an inch or more of snow on the ground.
1986 - Two to three inches of rain fell in the valleys, and over two feet of snow in the mountains of northern Utah. Tooele received 3.12" of rain from the storm while Snowbird Ski Resort picked up 16" of snow. In addition, strong easterly canyon winds produced waves up to five feet high on the Great Salt Lake along the Southern Pacific causeway and on I 80 along the lake's south shore. Wendover, in the west desert, reported winds approaching 60 mph.
APRIL 1-10
Since 1888, all but two Annual General Conferences of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints has been held sometime between April 1-10. During the past several decades, many conference visitors and Utah residents have often remarked how predictably unsettled the weather is during L.D.S. General Conference. It is a fact that 67% of all April conferences have received measurable precipitation. During the April 1983 conference, 7.5" of snow fell.
1936 - The coldest April morning in Salt Lake City history occurred when the mercury plummeted to a record cold 14°F.
1983 - Heavy snowfall turned Easter Sunday into a winter wonderland. Some northern and central Utah valleys received up to 7" of snow in just two hours. Storm totals between 6-12" were common. Alta received 32" of snow in 24-hours.
1994 - Microburst winds caused some damage in the Riverton area of northern Utah. The winds overturned a trampoline, displaced the wall of a carport into the
field next door, and blew a kayak into a tree.
field next door, and blew a kayak into a tree.
1985 - A strong northwest flow produced extremely high winds in some areas of Utah. The highest gust reported was 110 mph at the Park City Angle Station. Other powerful wind gusts included: Hidden Peak/Snowbird 100 mph, Snowbasin 70 mph, and Sundance 60 mph. In central Utah, a roof was blown off a service station in Huntington and two trailers were destroyed at a trailer park in Ferron.
1983 - A "once-in-30-years" severe "easterly canyon wind" event set up along the Wasatch Front. Sustained wind speeds of 50 mph were common with gusts over 70 mph. A peak gust of 104 mph was recorded at Hill Air Force Base. Damage figures skyrocketed toward the $8,000,000 mark! Among the greatest damage: 54 Utah Power and Light Company transmission towers were either damaged or destroyed, and 15 to 20 semi's were blown over or damaged along I-15 in the Farmington/Centerville area. At the Hyrum cemetery, in the Cache Valley, dozens of tall fur trees were uprooted and toppled. In southeastern Utah, Monticello received up to a foot of snow.
1958 - The greatest snow depth ever recorded in the state was measured at Alta: 179", almost 15 feet!
1967 - Vicious winds roared throughout Utah. At River Heights (Cache County) hurricane velocity south winds ripped the roof off of a house sending debris flying through the air for two blocks. In southwest Utah, a telephone booth was smashed at Cedar City and sand up to several inches thick was blown into homes. In central Utah, two planes were tipped over in Provo and several hundred feet of theater wall was blown down in Orem. The strongest wind gust measured was 93 mph at Dugway.
1969 - Wind speeds above 60 mph in southeastern Utah damaged aircraft and hangar doors at Canyonlands Airport and tore the roof off of an automobile reconditioning building. Winds in Moab blew over a power pole that was carrying 69,000 volts of electricity, leaving the community without power.
1902 - A strong south wind overturned several outbuildings at Deseret in central Utah.
1956 - Winds gusting to at least 75 mph in the Provo/Orem/Springville area tore the roofs off of houses, broke numerous windows, and ripped up a 70-foot evergreen tree in Provo and carried it across the street into a parking lot. The Salt Lake City Airport reported wind gusts in excess of 80 mph.
1988 - A very windy cold front passed through Utah producing strong winds across the northwest part of the state. Wendover recorded a wind gust of 63 mph, while Pleasant Grove reported 61 mph, and Trenton 60 mph. In the Wendover area, five semis were blown over and four vehicles (which included three police cars) had windows blown out.
1995 - A cold front moving across the state produced wind gusts to 80 mph at Duchesne, resulting in broken tree branches and downed power lines. The same cold front brought thunderstorms to much of Utah, which produced ½" to ¾" diameter hail near the Salt Lake City International Airport and ¼" diameter hail at Cedar City.
APRIL 9-10
1974 - A major snowstorm, preceded by 45 mph winds, dropped 17.4" of snow at Salt Lake City, and caused $300,000 in damage to roofs, trees, and shrubs. Power lines were downed and a number of automobile accidents were reported.
1983 - Vernal averages about ½" of snow in April, but a late winter storm dumped 6" of the white stuff in 24-hours.
APRIL 12-13
1986 - Hurricane force winds and a vigorous cold front plagued the state. Knolls (Tooele County) and Pleasant Grove (Utah County) both measured wind speeds of 75 mph. In southern Utah, winds over 60 mph were reported. At Lake Powell, the winds overturned a houseboat, destroyed a trailer, and blew camper shells off several trucks. Precipitation amounts of 1.00" or more were common across many parts of Utah.
1983 - Along the Wasatch Front the second "canyon wind event," in two weeks, produced a peak gust of 90 mph at Farmington (Davis County).
APRIL 13-17
1984 - Warm weather brought on a rash of weather related problems. Slides were reported in City Creek, Emigration, Provo, and Ogden Canyons. Minor flooding occurred in southwest Salt Lake County, and along Hobble Creek and Spanish Fork Canyon in Utah County. A snowslide closed Little Cottonwood Canyon east of Salt Lake. Strong thunderstorms rumbled up and down the Wasatch Front with a
peak wind gust of 77 mph reported at Wendover.
peak wind gust of 77 mph reported at Wendover.
1970 - Western Utah was hit by strong winds. Gusts up to 75 mph whipped up dust, limited visibility and contributed to two multi-car collisions near Knolls (Tooele County). Seven cars were involved in the accidents and two women were seriously injured. Winds also caused considerable damage to a Tooele chapel when a large aluminum/glass wall gave way.
1935 - It was like the dust bowl days of the Great Depression across parts of western Utah. Strong, gusty, southerly winds persisted from sunrise to sunset producing an unusually dense and widespread dust storm over the entire western half of the state. Visibilities were reduced to near zero during the afternoon. Automobile engines were stalled by dust at Black Rock in the west central part of the state. Residents in Grantsville reported physical distress to themselves and animals due to the dust. Early afternoon showers in northern Utah precipitated unusually muddy rain drops. By dusk, the wind changed direction to the northwest, clearing the air.
1967 - Strong winds over the western part of Utah County blew over a 65-foot Ferris wheel, causing $10,000 in damage.
1899 - Violent sandstorms at Ft. Duchesne (Uinta County) and Grover (Wayne County) increased in intensity throughout the day. They became very ominous by late afternoon, but were followed by clear skies and calm conditions after dusk. Salt Lake City recorded a maximum wind speed of 51 mph.
APRIL 18-19
1987 - A strong spring storm produced high winds across northern Utah. Some of the higher gusts included: Park City 99 mph, Logan 79 mph, Wendover 71 mph, and Kearns 42 mph. Four people drowned in Utah Lake when high winds capsized their fishing boat. The storm brought in a taste of winter with 22" of snow falling at Alta and 9" at both North Salt Lake and Holladay.
1989 - Hanksville recorded the warmest April day ever with a record maximum temperature of 98°F. The previous all-time high temperature for April was 93°F set back on April 30, 1928.
APRIL 19-20
1966 - Sub-zero temperatures destroyed nearly 70 percent of Utah County's fruit crop.
APRIL 19-21
1982 - Record cold temperatures across northern Utah. Smithfield (Cache County) plunged to 13°F. Many fruit orchards reported lows in the teens that caused severe damage to fruit, in particular apricots, peaches, and cherries. Salt Lake City experienced the coldest temperature ever recorded so late in the spring as the mercury dropped to 22°F.
1984 - A wind gust of 71 mph was reported in Farmington.
1957 - "April showers" was an understatement in Tooele as over 3.00" of rain was reported. Two children in the community of Erda (Tooele County) awoke in their basement about 2:00 AM, to find their mattresses floating on 5-foot deep floodwater.
1965 - Gusty, dusty winds of over 63 mph in western Utah caused near zero visibility between Wendover and Grantsville.
APRIL 22-23
1931 - A very potent windstorm blew from an easterly direction for more than a day along the western slopes of the Wasatch Front. About 1,000 trees were uprooted in several northern Utah counties. About 350 power poles were blown over, 11 railroad freight cars were blown off their tracks at Farmington, and boxcars were unroofed on a moving train at Bountiful. In addition, many roofs were damaged, dozens of chimneys and hundreds of windows were broken, scores of advertising signs were damaged, and a few automobiles were overturned.
1905 - In Ogden an "unusually severe" mountain wind did considerable damage to fruit trees, blew roofs off several large warehouses, and leveled many smaller buildings.
1958 - A localized storm dumped up to 18" of snow in the Salt Lake City area. Approximately 50 traffic accidents were reported due to poor visibility and slick streets.
1899 - A dust storm passed over the northern half of the state. The wind had been southerly , but changed to northwest by mid-afternoon. This change brought a cloud of dust which enveloped everything.
1984 - Provo BYU reported a wind gust of 84 mph. The winds howled throughout the day as a cold front pushed into Utah. Other wind gusts reported: University of Utah 78 mph, West Valley City 68 mph, Orem 61 mph, and St. George 50 mph.
1976 - A strong cold front intensified rapidly as it crossed over the Great Salt Lake. Peak wind gusts of nearly 90 mph were reported near the lake. Other wind gusts included: Salt Lake City 78 mph, Dugway 69 mph, and University of Utah 68 mph. As the winds blew, waves on the Great Salt Lake reached heights of 15 feet. Many boats were damaged during a sailing meet, and storm damage reached $450,000.
APRIL 25-29
1952 - A record snowpack followed by five days of temperatures more than 10°F above normal, sent water cascading down Utah's north central streams, causing widespread flooding. Floods from the Jordan River covered about 50 blocks of Salt Lake City's west side under six feet of water forcing nearly 400 families to evacuate their homes. In Ogden, two lives were lost due to flooding. Large areas of farm and pasture land west of Provo were inundated, with most residents from Provo Canyon forced to leave because of high water. Damage figures soared to $10,000,000.
APRIL 25-26
1975 - A late winter-like storm moved through Utah. South winds preceding the storm contributed to the death of four people who drowned when the high winds capsized their boat at Lake Powell. Heavy snow stranded many large trucks and campers between Salt Lake City and Wendover. Salt Lake City received 8.5" of snow from the storm.
1991 - A strong, wet weather system pounded northern Utah with a lot of snow. Thirty-seven inches of snow fell at Snowbird Ski Resort and 12" at Olympus Cove.
1966 - Gale force winds ripped through Lehi (Utah County) toppling trees and demolishing buildings.
1986 - Very cold air behind a major spring storm combined forces with the Great Salt Lake and produced the "Dreaded Lake Effect." Snowfall totals included: Olympus Cove 12", Sugarhouse/ Holladay 9", and Bountiful 7". The storm also brought six inches of snow to several valley locations and a storm total of 44" at Snowbird and 42" at Alta.
1966 - Winds gusting to 60 mph damaged shingles, awnings, and trees in Roosevelt (Duchesne County).
1970 - A major snowstorm preceded by strong winds swept across southern Utah. High winds pushed a car into a steel and concrete abutment north of St. George, killing the driver and seriously injuring the passenger. The snowstorm, one of the worst ever to occur so late in the spring, left motorists stranded and caused many minor accidents.
1991 - Snow fell at the rate of two inches per hour across some valley locations of northern Utah. Bountiful received 12" of snow, Holladay and Kearns 7", Salt Lake Airport 6", and Tooele 5". Snowbird Ski resort was plastered with 24" of the white stuff.
1973 - A pilot flying from Salt Lake City to Rock Springs reported areas of hailstones the size of golf balls between Salt Lake City and Wolf Creek Pass.
1987 - A record high temperature of 83°F was recorded at Provo BYU.
1946 - Very high winds removed a shop from its foundation in Trenton in the Cache Valley.
1983 - In Box Elder County, the community of Collinston received 2.00 inches of precipitation in 24-hours.
APRIL 30 - MAY 1
1988 - A major storm produced winter weather conditions across much of Utah. Cold air pouring in behind the storm kicked in the "Dreaded Lake Effect" at Tooele with 13" of snow and 2.13" water reported for the storm. In the southwest part of Utah, Meadow received 11" of snow while Fillmore picked up 6". Ahead of the storm, winds gusted to 68 mph at Cedar City.
1946 - Utah experienced its worst freeze in 30 years with valley temperatures dropping to -20°F.
1964 - A heavy, wet snow caused power failures throughout northern Utah. More than 14" of snow fell on Salt Lake City's east bench. Two Boy Scout troops stranded on an overnight camp near Mueller Park were rescued by jeep posses.
1995 - Severe thunderstorms moved through parts of Tooele and Utah Counties in northern Utah. Hailstones ¾" in diameter were reported at Rush Valley, Pleasant Grove, and Orem. In addition, a wind gust to 81 mph was recorded at Orem and 60 mph at Pleasant Grove.
MAY 1-9
1986 - Heavy snow continued to fall as Alta Ski Resort recorded a phenomenal 69.7" of snow during the period.
1985 - A peak wind gust of 72 mph was reported at Ogden. Winds in the Riverdale area west of Ogden destroyed a barn and blew a roof off the Southern Pacific Depot.
MAY 2-3
1991 - A cold front made its way across the state producing heavy precipitation falling in northern Utah and howling winds across southern Utah. Some of the precipitation amounts included: Washington Terrace 2.00", Ogden and Centerville 1.77", Collinston 1.22", and North Salt Lake 1.21". Wind gusts in the south reached 58 mph at Blanding.
1993 - Strong microburst winds occurred as a squall line and cold front moved through the state. Some of the higher wind gusts were: Stansbury Park 69 mph, Eagle Range 64 mph, Hill AFB and Kearns 62 mph, and Randolph 52 mph.
MAY 3-7
1993 - A very wet five-day period across all of Utah. Alta Ski Resort picked up a whopping 54" of snow and 6.48" of total precipitation. Other amounts of water from around the state included: Liberty 5.05", Olympus Cove 4.42", Bountiful 4.26", Sandy 4.02", West Valley 3.76", Payson 3.35", Peoa 2.88", Midway 2.86", Salt Lake City International Airport 2.77", Ogden 2.58", Provo BYU 2.52", Coalville 2.16", Logan KVNU 1.99", Monticello 1.06", and Milford 1.00".
1993 - Strong winds lashed Delta with a peak wind gust of 74 mph.
MAY 4-5
1984 - Corn Creek Dam gave way in Kanosh, flooding 9 homes.
MAY 4-9
1986 - Two powerful cold fronts lashed out across the state raising flooding fears. Precipitation totals reached 4.00" in the valleys. The heaviest hit areas with precipitation were from Weber County south into Utah County. Even areas of southern Utah picked up over 1.00" of precipitation.
1992 - The monsoon season started early with thundershowers in southern Utah. Lightning caused a rather extensive power outage in St. George for about two hours. Some of the rainfall amounts were: two miles east of Virgin had .60" in 10 minutes and Toquerville .40" in 15 minutes.
1925 - Heavy hail cut a path one mile wide and about 7 miles long, damaging alfalfa and sugar beets, and killing young chickens at Newton (Cache County).
1990 - A wind gust of 80 mph was clocked at Moab in southeast Utah.
1992 - Thunderstorms across central Utah produced pea-size hail to a depth of 3-4" in the Scofield area (where they even had to call out snowplows). Moroni logged .82" of precipitation.
1968 - Winds up to 82 mph at Wendover caused losses in excess of $127,000. The winds destroyed six trailer houses, damaged the Wendover Air Force Base, took the roof off the Western Hotel, and destroyed state highway sheds.
1985 - The marina at the Saltair resort along the southern shores of the Great Salt Lake took a blow as high winds damaged the facility and nearby boats.
1990 - A "disastrous" morning for fruit growing areas across northern Utah. Some of the colder temperatures were: Logan, Coalville and Midway 18°F, River Heights and South Jordan 24°F, Santaquin 26°F, and Murray 28°F.
MAY 10
1984 - A landslide at Salina (Sevier County) destroyed $750,000 worth of Utah Power and Light transmitters.
1985 - Heavy rain caused considerable flooding in the downtown area of Provo. Damage to businesses climbed to several thousand dollars.
1986 - Cache County reported strong winds, with Trenton receiving a gust of 67 mph.
MAY 10-11
1957 - Hail and thunderstorms killed 6,000 turkeys and badly damaged alfalfa and fruit crops in Juab County. The violent weather was also blamed for two traffic fatalities in Duchesne County.
MAY 11
1983 - A vigorous spring storm dumped heavy, wet snow on many areas of Utah. Over 6" of snow fell in many areas in the Salt Lake Valley. Salt Lake City International Airport received 1.44" of precipitation from the storm.
MAY 12
1902 - A hailstorm pounded Grover (Wayne County), stripping leaves off trees and in some cases cutting down alfalfa close to the ground that was eight inches high. Many of the hailstones were 7/8" in diameter.
1995 - Cold air behind a late season snow storm produced 4-5" of snow at Tooele and 1-3" from Davis County south to Utah County.
MAY 12-13
1984 - Flooding: a mudslide almost 400 yards wide was created by an overflowing Spring Creek at Nordic Valley Ski area. High water and a mudslide in Chicken Creek closed I-15 between Levan and Nephi. Mudslides occurred at the top of several Wasatch Front canyons including Settlement Canyon, Farmington's Rudd Canyon, Provo Canyon, and Fairview Canyon. One man was killed and another injured from debris flow at Clear Creek in Carbon County. In Salt Lake City, Liberty Park was sandbagged for flood control.
MAY 13
1992 - Thunderstorms erupted across northern Utah with the Uinta Basin getting hit the hardest. Lapoint, west of Vernal (Uintah County), measured .80" of precipitation in 20 minutes, and in Dagget County, Manila reported ¼" diameter hail.
MAY 13-14
1955 - Winds up to 80 mph blew over northwest Utah, causing widespread dust clouds. In some areas, highway traffic was reduced or suspended because of low visibility and blowing dust. In a few places, high winds blew down power lines and damaged buildings. A girl was injured by flying debris from a barn that was blown over at Eureka (Juab County), and a man was hurt when an airplane door was blown shut on his head.
MAY 14
1961 - A lightning-caused fire extensively damaged 19 motel rooms, two apartment units, and a garage on the summit of Parley's Canyon.
1976 - Winds up to 81 mph in central Utah lifted the roof off a Spanish Fork apartment house. In Cedar Valley, two cars were damaged when winds blew sprinkler pipes against them.
1978 - Winds gusting over 80 mph toppled 16 cars of the Western Pacific Railroad near Wendover. Damage figures reached $200,000.
1984 - A mudslide sent tons of mud down Middle Fork Canyon in Tooele County killing a man and burying his bulldozer. Six homes in Layton were engulfed by raging waters out of Kays Creek. Several blocks of Provo's 3rd South was turned into a canal. The Ogden River flooded its banks and washed into 10 summer homes. Bridges were washed out in three areas around the state, and slides occurred in Springville Canyon, Huntington Canyon, Bridge Canyon, and Emery County.
MAY 15
1993 - Thunderstorm activity became widespread across much of Utah. Three inches of hail were deposited at Monticello and Eastland in southeast Utah (San Juan County) and .80" of water fell in 30 minutes at Fremont Indian State Park.
1995 - Lightning struck a Cottonwood tree at Goshen (Utah County) setting fire to and destroying a 75 year old cabin in a remote canyon.
MAY 16
1952 - Strong canyon winds along the western slopes of the Wasatch Mountains caused $1,000,000 damage to property between Brigham City and Salt Lake City.
1993 - A weather observer five miles northwest of Kanab in extreme southwest Utah reported .75" of precipitation in just five minutes with a lot of hail. In fact the observer visited the area the next day and there was still ¼" diameter hailstones two feet deep in some places.
MAY 17
1949 - Heavy, intense rainfall fell in the vicinity of Ben Lomond Peak in the Wasatch Mountains resulting in a flash flood. The high rate of rainfall on a very precipitous bedrock drainage caused immediate runoff, sending water and debris across U.S. Highway 91 between Willard and Liberty in Box Elder County. Floodwaters cut 10-20 foot deep gullies in fields and orchards.
1993 - Heavy rain and hail hit portions of Carbon County in east-central Utah. Wellington picked up 1.88" of precipitation and hailstones. Hailstones ¼" ½" in diameter were common in Carbon City. Zion National Park also received .70" of precipitation in 30 minutes.
MAY 17-18
1987 - Heavy thunderstorms produced 2.10" of rain at Centerville in 3½ hours. Rainfall amounts ranging between one and two inches were common across northern Utah.
MAY 18
1991 - Strong winds kicked up across eastern and southern Utah. Some of the wind gusts reported were: Vernal 67 mph, and Monticello and Delta 60 mph. In addition, a roof was blown off a mobile home in Monticello.
MAY 18-19
1983 - Heavy rains of over an inch caused some urban and small stream flooding in areas of Cache County.
MAY 19
1957 - Strong winds in Weber County flattened a barn, blew the roof off a house, toppled trees, and blew down utility poles.
MAY 20
1951 - The central Utah town of Delta became a "delta of debris" as heavy rain washed out trees, sent boulders roaring down the streets, and poured a wall of mud and water six feet high over a highway for several hours.
1975 - A record-breaking snowstorm hit many areas of Utah, bringing 22" to Manila (Daggett County), 21" to Fillmore (Millard County), and 20" to Delta (Millard County). In Sevier County thousands of turkeys were frozen in the unusual storm. In Utah County, 25 power poles were downed in Payson with major power outages reported in the area.
MAY 21
1986 - Strong northwest winds reached hurricane force behind a vigorous cold front. Some reports of high winds included: Lakeside (Box Elder County) 86 mph, Orem 80 mph, West Kearns 71 mph, and South Salt Lake 70 mph. Winds blowing across the Great Salt Lake inundated I-80 with several inches of water.
MAY 22
1995 - Severe thunderstorms pelted portions of Box Elder County in northwest Utah. Penrose, northwest of Brigham City, received 1.30" of rain in just 30 minutes. Hailstones up to one inch in diameter were observed at both Penrose and Thiokol. One report indicated that hail piled-up to six inches deep on one of the roadways in the Thiokol test area.
MAY 23
1947 - A severe hailstorm hit Blanding, producing large hailstones measuring 1½" to 2" in diameter. Considerable damage was done to roofs during this brief but intense hailstorm. Many farmers reported that as much as 50% of their fruit crop was destroyed.
1957 - Hail covered the ground four to five inches deep in Ogden. The heavy rain and hail in Weber and Davis Counties caused some flooding to canyon homes.
1970 - Severe thunderstorms with estimated winds of 100 mph swept through Salt Lake, Davis, and Weber counties, dropping ¾" diameter hailstones in Woods Cross and southern Bountiful. Thirty-five people were injured. three single-engine airplanes were overturned, several 44,000-volt power lines were downed, six towers were destroyed, and 125 houses were heavily damaged. Losses totaled almost $1,500,000.
1983 - The "Floods of '83" began in earnest. Flooding closed a highway from Nibley to Millville in Cache County. In Sanpete County, a landslide in Twelve-Mile Canyon closed the canyon road south of Manti and caused flash flooding in the Pinchot Campground.
MAY 25
1961 - A strong whirlwind in Salt Lake City lifted a woman and carried her 30 feet. She had no significant injury.
1975 - Minimum temperatures ranged from 26°F to 32°F along the Wasatch Front. The apricot crop was virtually wiped out, but only minimal damage to other fruits was reported.
1992 - Memorial Day saw hail and heavy rains hit parts of southern Utah. Particularly hard hit were San Juan, Wayne, and Washington Counties. Hail up to one inch in diameter struck the Enterprise, Bicknell and Teasdale area during intense thunderstorms. Heavy rains included Torrey and Bicknell with 1.25", and Teasdale with 1.10". Hail up to 4" deep was noted in the Tropic Reservoir area just west of Bryce Canyon.
MAY 26
1924 - An unusually strong hailstorm lasted about 45 minutes at La Sal (San Juan County) and uprooted large trees, broke windows, and beat down alfalfa and garden crops.
1977 - Winds clocked to 65 mph caused major damage at the Flaming Gorge marina, and tossed boats out of the water at the Cedar Springs marina. Several 30-foot boats were washed ashore, and one sank.
1983 - 13th South Street in Salt Lake City officially went from a street to a river to contain spring runoff.
1992 - It was a severe weather day over most of Utah with widespread hail, strong winds, and heavy rains. Golf ball size hailstones fell in southwest Utah between Richfield and Glenwood. Minor flooding was noted in the Salt Lake Valley, Price, portions of Sevier County, and at Jensen east of Vernal. Funnel clouds were spotted in Sandy and Roosevelt. Some rainfall intensities were: two miles west of Price .79" in 18 minutes, Midvale .70"in 20 minutes, and Manti .50" in 15 minutes.
1994 - Thunderstorms produced strong microburst winds to 73 mph at Provo BYU.
1995 - Strong thunderstorms produced ½" diameter hail at Kanab and .50" of rain in 10 minutes at Delta.
MAY 27
1975 - A cloudburst swept through St. George, dropping 1.00" of rain in 15 minutes. This is more than St. George normally gets in all of May and June combined.
1986 - Easterly canyon winds reached 69 mph at Farmington.
1987 - Thunderstorms hit northern Utah, producing 1.83" of rain at Tremonton.
1993 - Localized heavy rains fell in eastern Utah with 1.05" of precipitation recorded at Castle Valley. The Castle Valley storm dropped .50" in 10 minutes and another .50" in 7 minutes.
1994 - Widespread severe weather hit northern Utah. Some of the higher wind reports were: I-80 Tooele exit 75 mph, Bountiful 72 mph, Randolph and Tooele 65 mph, Provo BYU 64 mph, and Springville 60 mph. A Cessna 140 airplane was flipped over at Salt Lake Airport II. At Herriman, a wheelbarrow containing 30-40 pounds of "stuff" was tossed 30 feet. In addition, hail up to ½" in diameter fell at South Jordan.
MAY 27-28
1956 - Thundershowers caused some local flooding in cities along the Wasatch Front. The heavy rain overtaxed sewers, damaged some orchards, tomato fields, alfalfa and grains, produced hail in Davis and Weber Counties, and caused interruptions of power transmission and communication services. A funnel cloud approached the ground in the Ogden area, but moved eastward and dissipated over the mountains.
MAY 28
1918 - The worst hailstorm in many years occurred at Brigham City. In addition to leaving hail on the ground, the storm left a ground cover of fallen cherries, apricots, peaches, and strawberries. Damage was near $15,000.
1977 - A funnel cloud was seen passing west of Brigham City. The storm caused hail and high winds but no damage.
1979 - A strong thunderstorm associated with a cold front cut a destructive path of hail and strong winds across Weber County in northern Utah. At Plain City, Pleasant View, and north Ogden, fruit, alfalfa, and wheat damage approached $250,000.
1983 - Flooding: Water from City Creek Canyon just north of Salt Lake City rushed into downtown Salt Lake. A mudslide above Salt Lake City in Emigration Canyon forced evacuation of several homes near Pinecrest. Centerville homes were damaged as Barnard and Ricks creeks flooded. In Bountiful, Barton Creek overflowed and washed out Lakeview Drive, snapping a sewer line and flooding nearby homes and businesses. In Tooele County, a two year-old boy fell into Middle Canyon Creek and later died. In Duchesne County, Lake Canyon Bridge washed out.
1989 - Strong southerly winds ahead of a cold front gusted to a record 69 mph at Salt Lake City, the highest ever recorded during the month of May.
MAY 29
1918 - Hail piled up to a depth of 3" during a severe thunderstorm at Morgan in northern Utah.
1983 - Flooding: Water spilled over East Canyon Dam spillway in Morgan County causing widespread flooding. High water washed out a road from Logan to Mendon as well as roads east of Richmond in Cache County. A slide caused closure of U.S. Highway 89 from Willard Bay to Perry in Box Elder County. All Tooele County canyons were closed.
MAY 29-30
1896 - Excessive rains flooded Salt Lake. Low areas in the west side of the Salt Lake Valley resembled large lakes, and rafts were needed to cross in some places.
MAY 30
1939 - A cloudburst up Spanish Fork Canyon caused considerable damage to homes in Thistle. In some areas east of Thistle, mudslides left mud and debris five feet deep on the highway.
1983 - Flooding: A mudslide moved into Farmington, destroying six homes and damaging 25 other homes, leaving some 200 people homeless. Moving earth over the weekend broke water lines at Fairview in central Utah, followed by a slide in Fairview Canyon, forcing residents to evacuate. Sandbaggers transformed North Temple Street and Walker and Cottonwood Lanes into sandbag-lined rivers, Salt Lake was cut east to west by a five-foot deep river down 13th South Street, and north to south by a State Street stream stretching from City Creek to 5th South. Nearly 40 families became stranded at Covered Bridge in Utah County when the bridge to town was declared unsafe. Highways were closed in Grand County. Runoff contaminated Vernal drinking water.
1989 - During the afternoon, lightning struck a house in Salt Lake City, going around the aluminum siding, knocking the telephone and microwave oven out, and hit the owner on the "butt."
MAY 30-31
1991 - Tremendous rainfall fell across Millard County in southwest Utah. In about a 24-30 hour period Garrison received a fantastic 4.00" of water. Other reports included: Eskdale with 3.64" and The Border Inn on U.S. Highway 50/6 with 2.28" of precipitation.
MAY 31
1984 - Heavy thunderstorms with pea-sized hail hit the Wasatch Front. Flash flooding occurred along the Logan River as already swollen waters received brief but heavy rains. The Cottonwood creeks were already full to capacity prior to the thunderstorms, which caused flooding at Cottonwood Trailer Park.
1994 - Severe weather blasted many areas of northwest and west central Utah. Thunderstorms embedded with damaging microburst winds, marble size hail, and heavy rains raised havoc. The Provo area was particularly hard hit with a recorded wind gusts of over 100 mph on the BYU Campus. Provo City activated the Emergency Operating Center for Utah County due to the severity of the storm. Damage throughout Provo was incredible with hundreds of large trees uprooted and many buildings reported significant damage. Total damage from the storm was around 8 million dollars. Other wind gusts reported from the thunderstorms included: Delta and Great Salt Lake State Park 81 mph, Little Cottonwood Canyon 73 mph, Magna 66 mph, Salt Lake City International Airport 62 mph, and South Jordan 60 mph. In addition, Dugway, picked up 1.24" of rain in a short time.
1943 - Severe thunderstorms dropped 2.09" of rain on the town of Ephraim (Sanpete County), causing ditches to overflow into residential areas. The Sanpitch River was the highest it had been in many years.
1983 - Flooding: A 30-foot wall of water rushed out of Bountiful's Stone Creek, destroying three homes and damaging seven others, injuring seven people and forcing scores of families to flee. Nearly 60 families around Farmington's Steed Creek were evacuated and over two dozen families in Fruit Heights (Davis County) were evacuated. Also, water from Chalk Creek ran through a sandbag channel down Main Street in Coalville, forcing several families to evacuate.
1990 - Winter in June across much of Utah. A cold storm brought blizzard conditions, even to many valley floors, and caused the closing of State Route 191 north of Vernal for a time. Snowfall totals included: Meadow 8", Fillmore and Kanosh 4", Payson 3-5", Garrison 3", Vernal 2", and Milford, Beaver, Woodruff, and Holden 1" of snow.
1983 - Heavy thunderstorms produced nearly 1.00" of rain in one hour at Bountiful, causing urban flooding.
1984 - Violent winds swept through Provo, picking up debris that damaged cars. A peak gust of 71 mph was recorded.
1993 - A wild cold front laced with severe thunderstorms took a direct hit on Davis County in northwest Utah. The hail ranged from ¼" to 1" in diameter. Along I-15 and in some locations of Bountiful the hail was 3-4" deep, and in one area of Woods Cross it was up to 6" deep. A tornado touched down in North Salt Lake, causing $15,000 in damage and injuring several boys who were playing baseball. High intensity rainfall reports included Castle Rock .62" in 10 minutes and Magna .40" in 10 minutes. High wind gusts included Dugway 84 mph and West Bountiful 74 mph.
1963 - Salt Lake City Airport recorded a peak wind gust of 94 mph, the strongest gust ever recorded in Salt Lake City. The winds forced evacuation of the control tower at the Salt Lake City Airport and caused $45,000 in damage to hangars and airplanes.
1995 - Centerville received .79" of rain in 10 minutes .
1872 - A heavy cloudburst filled a few St. George cellars with "water in place of wine." At the time, St. George had been striving to grow grapes.
1945 - A heavy rainstorm in Tooele dumped a record .95" of rain in only a few minutes time, causing torrents of water to sweep down streets and flood lower levels of buildings.
1967 - The "worst flood in 20 years" hit Moab. Within 20 minutes the storm had produced such heavy rain that downtown streets became "raging muddy rivers." After the storm, curb-high sand deposits were left, residential streets were filled with rocks and debris, one apartment building was flooded, and sections of city yards were piled with sand.
1995 - A vicious, damaging wind storm moved through northern and western Utah during the late afternoon and evening hours. A strong cold front intensified as it moved into Utah, producing hurricane force winds behind the front. Some of the higher reported wind gusts were: Tremonton 95 mph, Highland and American Fork 90 mph, Pleasant Grove 88 mph, North Orem 86 mph, West Kearns 84 mph, Magna and Deweyville 75 mph, Provo BYU 72 mph, West Valley City 70 mph, Dugway 69 mph, South Jordan 66 mph, and Grantsville 63 mph. According to data received from the Western Insurance Information Service, damage estimates totaled 15 million dollars!
1958 - A violent thunderstorm with marble-sized hail and 50 mph winds caused $75,000 in damage to fruit trees, berries, and crops in Pleasant Grove (Utah County). The frenzied storm lasted only about 15 minutes.
1986 - The Great Salt Lake peaked at 4211.85 feet above sea-level, the highest measured lake level in the past 139 years. Since 1963, the Great Salt Lake had risen 20 feet (12 feet in less than 4 years), more than doubled in aerial extent, and increased its volume nearly three-fold.
1995 - Snow fell as low as the 4,800 foot level along the Wasatch Front during the morning hours. Snowfall amounts ranged from a skiff to 1" along the bench areas of Salt Lake, in Tooele, and the Cache Valley.
1960 - Hail killed 320 turkeys in Nephi. The storm also damaged crops and deposited 0.75" of rain/hail in 45 minutes.
1974 - A 60 mph whirlwind several blocks long and 75 yards wide struck a boat marina in the Salt Lake Valley and damaged a sign, roof, and small boat.
1985 -The thermometer hit 100°F--the earliest date for such a hot temperature recorded in Salt Lake City.
1944 - Strong winds blew down trees and knocked out window lights at Richmond in Cache County.
1974 - Winds gusting to 92 mph occurred near Ivins (Washington County). The winds toppled outhouses, campers, and travel-trailers. One mobile home was torn apart and spread across five acres.
1939 - At Brigham City, a peculiar hailstorm from the east left "a plainly visible white swath of hail one mile wide and four to five inches deep on the mountainside." Slight crop damage occurred in the valley from the second hailstorm in four days.
1958 - In what was claimed by older residents as the "most violent and damaging storm ever experienced in Pleasant Grove," almost 2/3 of an inch of water fell in 15 minutes, flooding basements, kitchens, and living rooms where windows or doors had been left open.
1969 - Elmo and Cleveland (Emery County) were hit by a cloudburst that damaged three bridges and several miles of road.
1965 - Rain on a heavy snowpack resulted in serious flooding in Daggett Counties' Uinta Mountains. Shortly after midnight, a flash flood in Sheep Creek Canyon near Flaming Gorge drowned a father, mother, three children, and two nephews who were staying at Palisade Campground. The flood completely destroyed five miles of newly paved highway, three recreation areas, and seven bridges. Damages were estimated at over $1,000,000.
1992 - Thunderstorms over southeast Utah produced a 68 mph microburst at the Canyonlands Airport west of Moab.
1967 - Heavy rain and hail in northwest Salt Lake City flooded several areas. Boys floated down the flooded streets in boats.
1986 - West Point and Clinton (Box Elder County) received very strong thunderstorm downdrafts. The winds downed utility lines and tossed a roof end over end. In Davis County, 15 homes were damaged by wind.
1854 - A destructive hailstorm rumbled through the Salt Lake City area with "hailstones as large as turkey eggs." The ensuing raging waters from the thunderstorm drowned a little boy.
1973 - A 14 year-old Springville boy was sitting on a chicken coop when it was picked up by a dust-devil, turned around, and set askew on its foundation. The wind also knocked over 50 feet of brick wall, ripped off several awnings, and knocked a large tree onto a new automobile.
JUNE 14-15
1992 - Snow was reported down to about the 7,000 foot level with 9" of the white stuff falling on Mt. Timpanogos, 7" at Alta, 5" on top of the Mirror Lake Highway, and 3-4" on the Alpine Loop.
1943 - The second hailstorm in two weeks in Box Elder, Davis, and Weber Counties did considerable monetary damage: fruit $250,000, hay $100,000, and turkeys $25,000.
1967 - Marble-sized hail fell for five minutes, ruining gardens and shelling fruit trees and shrubbery in Morgan.
1989 - Evening microburst winds struck West Kearns (Salt Lake County) with a gust to 78 mph.
1929 - High winds between Salt Lake City and Ogden broke or uprooted many trees, overturned a great many barns and outbuildings, demolished 30 buildings at the arsenal near Ogden, and damaged property totaling more than $1,000,000.
1988 - Microburst winds produced a peak gust of 67 mph at Delta.
1993 - Strong winds accompanying an area of low pressure gusted to 81 mph at Wendover with a wall of dust observed in the west desert during the afternoon. In addition, a complex of thunderstorms became active in the Book Cliffs of northeast Utah and drifted over Vernal. Randlett received .66" of rain in about seven minutes and Vernal received .85" in 15 minutes.
1969 - Unseasonably wet weather caused flooding throughout the Salt Lake Valley. Downtown Salt Lake City was hit the hardest by the rain. Streets were turned into rivers, with water covering automobile tires at the intersections. During a two-hour period, 1.50" of rain fell.
1995 - Heavy rainfall struck portions of southeast Utah late on 16th until about 8 AM on the 17th. A weather observer in Monticello reported 2.17" of rainfall. Rainfall was also heavy in the Arches area with 1.11" falling. In fact, .64" of rain fell in 10 minutes at Arches and .70" of rain fell in just seven minutes at Bridgeland. Also, Alta received 2" of snow.
1972 - A large dust-devil in Bountiful tore part of the roof off a house under construction, and broke several glass windows in the immediate area.
1918 - A heavy cloudburst in Mt. Pleasant (Sanpete County) produced a river of mud and water several feet deep, carrying large rocks, trees, dead cattle, and furniture across streets, lawns, and farms. Some houses were filled to the window sills with mud. One man lost his life in attempting to cross the flood. The total loss in crops, buildings, city waterworks, and electric light plant and dam approached $100,000.
1984 - Central Salt Lake Valley experienced strong gusty winds. Cottonwood and Murray reported wind gusts to 65 mph, while Sandy reported a gust to 60 mph.
1977 - A lightning bolt struck a home in Cornish (Cache County), downing a wire that started the attic on fire. The house was badly damaged.
1982 - Localized flash flooding occurred in southwest Sevier County. Basements were flooded in the town of Joseph as 1.00" of rain fell in 1 hour. Hail ½" in diameter stacked up 4" deep against buildings.
1993 - Lightning struck a motor home on I-15 about 10 miles south of Beaver. The lightning made a direct hit on the motor home's CB antenna, melting it and damaging the roof. The driver's side front tire was set on fire and destroyed and all tires were flattened. Luckily, no injuries occurred. In addition, winds gusted to 77 mph at Virgin in southwest Utah.
1948 - Salt Lake City recorded its heaviest 24-hour rainfall ever for the month of June, with 1.75" of rain.
1989 - A frosty first day of summer across northern Utah. The coldest morning spots were: Randolph 25°F, Logan (Historic Farm) and Wellsville 27°F, and Providence and Garden City 28°F.
1973 - A squall line with gusty winds tipped over two aircraft and stripped the roof off several hangars at the Wendover Airport.
1988 - Hanksville tied for the hottest June day on record with a scorching 110°F.
JUNE 22-23
1918 - Moab (Grand County) and Vernon (Tooele County) were the targets of some violent thunderstorms. In Moab, a flooded creek washed away several small dams and damaged the electric light plant. In Vernon, windows were broken and about 2,000 acres of crops were beaten down.
1983 - Billions of gallons of water broke through the DMAD Dam northeast of Delta and spread across low laying lands and roads and flooded the towns of Deseret and Oasis with several feet of water. The spillway of the earthen DMAD Dam was destroyed by heavy rains and rapid spring runoff.
1985 - South winds gusted to 52 mph at Provo, blowing off roofing material and damaging cars in the Provo area.
1952 - A brief but severe hailstorm, lasting about 10 minutes, occurred near Kanosh (Millard County), causing heavy damage to gardens, fruits, and some fields.
1988 - A sizzling 98°F at Logan USU tied for the hottest June day ever.
1989 - Snow fell in the Uinta Mountains, with 2-4" falling near the 10,000 foot level.
1988 - Loa reported an incredible .92" of rain in 10 minutes along with ¼" diameter hail.
JUNE 25-26
1985- Unseasonably cold weather and thunderstorms moved into Utah. Golf ball-sized hail was reported across areas of northern Utah. One of several funnel clouds came within 100 feet of touching the ground on the east shore of the Great Salt Lake. A peak wind gust of 76 mph occurred in Springville (Utah County). Heavy rainfall amounts were common, with many reporting stations receiving well over 1.00" of rain. Cool morning temperatures were observed on the morning of the 26th. Bryce Canyon reported a low temperature of 23°F.
1948 - A severe thunderstorm struck near Salem (Utah County), leaving behind hailstones that covered the ground one inch deep. Damage to fruits and other crops totaled $250,000.
1965 - Lightning falsely triggered fire alarms at two Provo public schools when it came close to the sensitive attic detecting devices, without actually hitting the buildings.
1927 - "Families were driven to mountainside(s) to escape flood(s)" in the central Utah areas of Castle Gate and Kenilwoth (Carbon County). More than 100 feet of highway was swept away. At Price, 2.65" of rain fell in 24-hours, flooding basements, destroying crops, and flooding farmhouses with several feet of mud and water.
1970 - Winds of 80 mph began near Milford and moved into northwest Utah, damaging much of the area. Roofs were ripped off several houses, with one landing on top of a moving car in Provo, injuring the driver. Flying bricks and tree limbs broke windows in many areas. Blowing dust near Mills Junction caused a five car pile-up, injuring 12 people.
1995 - Showers and thunderstorms produced 1.00" of rain in 20 minutes at the Wendover Port-of-Entry, and .49" fell in 13 minutes west of Price along with ½" diameter hail.
1892 - St. George recorded a sizzling temperature of 116°F. Until 1985, this temperature was the hottest ever reported in the state.
1962 - Flash flooding was the order of the day for the southwest town of Orderville (Kane County). A flood from the north and one from the south sent substantial amounts of water into stores, swimming pools, and basements.
1988 - Heavy thundershowers produced .52" of rain in 10 minutes at Cedar City in southwest Utah. Also, 50" in 10 minutes at Fayette, and .68" in 10 minutes at Henrieville.
1910 - The worst rain and hailstorm in 32 years hit the central Utah town of Orangeville (Emery County). In some places hailstones accumulated four-feet deep. Bridges and roads were destroyed, livestock were killed, and cellars flooded.
1987 - A thunderstorm produced 1.50" of rain in 15 minutes at Ogden, flooding basements. In addition, 177 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes were detected in a one-hour period in Tooele County.
1995 - Severe thunderstorms deposited 1" diameter hail at Enterprise, cracking windshields.
1968 - Winds at Roosevelt in eastern Utah exceeded 57 mph and caused damage to houses and power lines. The gusts also collapsed a hangar wall at the Roosevelt Municipal Airport and carried a steel granary over ¼ of a mile.
1984 - Hail fell at many sections across Utah. Hail ¾" in diameter put dents in cars and trucks in Duchesne. American Fork (Utah County) received marble-sized hail, and hail 4" deep piled up in the Cove Fort area (Millard County).
1968 - A cold morning for mid-summer across the state. In fact, Salt Lake City experienced its coldest July morning ever with a low of 40°F.
1990 - Thunderstorms produced strong microburst winds to 71 mph at Provo BYU and 61 mph at West Kearns.
1977 - A sudden windstorm generated high waves on Utah Lake, disabling three boats and necessitating the rescue of two people who had drifted three miles from where their boats capsized.
1986 - Microburst winds blasted across northern Utah. At Woods Cross, the winds blew a roof off a building.
JULY 2-3
1934 - A cloudburst dumped 2.44" of rain at Milford, causing flooding in the downtown area.
1900 - During a lightning storm, an electrical discharge passed down a chimney in a home in Salt Lake City, knocked the stopper out of the flue, filled the room with soot and gas, and slightly shocked three people in the room.
1924 - Two boys narrowly escaped death when they were caught in a 10-foot deep flash flood in the Vernal area.
1995 - Heavy rain fell across portions of northern Utah. Mountain Green logged .78" of rain in 10 minutes. Elsewhere, both Woodland Hills and American Fork received 1.65" of rain.
1925 - A flash flood in Vernal's Five Mile Creek struck a car containing nine occupants, and swept an eight-year-old boy from the automobile, drowning him instantly.
1986 - A severe thunderstorm pounded areas of Cache County. Wind speeds reached 74 mph in Logan and 70 mph at Hyrum. In addition to the strong winds at Hyrum, 1.00" of rain fell in less than 30 minutes just after the 4th of July parade. In other areas of the Cache Valley, trees were uprooted, car windows were broken, and two roofs were blown off. Hail in some portions of the northern Wasatch Front was intense enough to cause $1,000,000 in damage to the sour cherry crop. Lightning was responsible for setting off some fireworks prematurely at the Cougar Stadium in Provo.
1977 - In Carbon County, 3.00" of rain caused the worst flash flood in 25 years. The flood left a trail of muddy destruction from Helper to Carbon. The Carbon Country Club golf course's fifth tee was under three feet of water.
1985 - The thermometer at St. George reached 117°F--the hottest temperature ever recorded in Utah.
1994 - A vigorous squall line with associated severe weather (damaging winds) roared through the state, fanning wildfires. The emergency 911 phone lines in Salt Lake County were inundated with people thinking their house or a neighbor's house was on fire due to the density of the smoke blown into the Salt Lake Valley from the west desert. Visibilities were reduced to as low as ¾ mile in some areas. Major wind damage was sustained to the Woods Cross area just north of Salt Lake City. Some of the wind gusts reported were: West Bountiful 82 mph, Lewiston 66 mph, Randolph 65 mph, Salt Lake Airport and Kearns 63 mph, and Grantsville and South Jordan 61 mph.
1985 - A lightning bolt in the early evening hours struck a Utah Power and Light generating station in the Magna area, producing a fire ball that could be seen across the Salt Lake Valley. The domino effect put most of Utah's population into total darkness for nearly 5 hours, with some areas not receiving power until the next day.
1989 - Monticello recorded an all-time record high temperature for July of 96°F.
1994 - Utah's governor Mike Leavitt declared a state of emergency for Tooele County due to the severity of the wildfire situation.
1949 - Big Rock Candy Mountain, located northwest of Marysvale in central Utah, was the site of a massive flood of debris. Mud, rocks, and timber covered 400 feet of highway to a depth of three feet. Some boulders on the highway weighed nearly a ton.
1989 - A sizzling day in Moab with an all-time record high temperature recorded of 114°F.
1993 - Microburst winds gusted to 69 mph at Joseph.
1984 - Heavy rain fell across northern Utah. Sandy received 1.10" of rain in 20 minutes with many road washouts, minor mudslides, and downed power lines reported.
1989 - Hanksville recorded their all-time hottest temperature of 114°F.
1991 - Widespread thundershower activity occurred across the state, with .50" of rain falling in just 12 minutes at Heber.
1981 - Hailstones ½" in diameter piled up to a depth of 4" on Frisco Peak northwest of Milford in southwest Utah.
1975 - Lightning hit the KRGO radio station in Salt Lake City, knocking the station off the air and setting its studios on fire. A cloudburst caused flash flooding throughout much of Ogden, with 1" diameter hailstones falling in north Ogden.
1988 - Large thunderstorms produced hurricane force winds to 81 mph at the Bullfrog Marina on Lake Powell during the evening hours. One houseboat was sunk at Halls Crossing and a boat was blown off its trailer.
1991 - An active thundershower day across portions of Utah. Tabiona received 1.75" of rainfall, and Meadow received .50" of rain in 10 minutes.
1899 - A nasty thunderstorm rumbled across Heber. Lightning struck in six different places, burning several sheds and a barn and killing two horses. Nearly 1.00" of rain fell one hour. Also on this date, a localized cloudburst in the mountains east of Manti swept down Manti Canyon, striking the community of Manti. Buildings and other property were damaged.
1948 - Hail pounded areas north of Bothwell (Box Elder County) in extreme northern Utah, resulting in extensive damage to grain, with losses up to 90% in some fields.
1956 - Strong gusty winds blew down trees and damaged power transmission lines throughout the Salt Lake Valley. At Ephraim (Sanpete County) , a violent thunderstorm flattened grain fields and killed several hundred turkeys.
1932 - Hail 5" deep fell at Escalante (Garfield County). The hail was ½" in diameter and fell in a one mile wide path, killing chickens and birds, breaking windows, damaging property, and destroying crops. The town was drenched with 3.24" of precipitation in 24 hours.
1984 - An area near Navajo Lake, in the mountains southeast of Cedar City, received a phenomenal 2.00" of rain in one hour.
1985 - Flash flooding near Bothwell (Box Elder County), flooded 14 homes, drowned eight cattle, and washed away cemetery head stones. Evening thunderstorm winds up to 71 mph raced through Utah County, toppling trees, billboards, and power lines.
1989 - Lightning detection equipment recorded 3,352 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes across the northwest corner of Utah between 3:15 PM and 10:45 PM. This was only a fraction of the total amount of lightning on this day as much of it was cloud-to-cloud.
1992 - A new state one-hour rainfall record was established at Sugarhouse in Salt Lake County. During this period, 2.45" of water was measured.
JULY 12-13
1962 - Heavy rainfall at Salt Lake City set intensity records with .50" of rain falling in 5 minutes, .92" in 10 minutes, 1.26" in 15 minutes, 1.79" in 30 minutes, and 1.94" in 1 hour.
1932 - A devastating hailstorm struck Box Elder County and northern Cache County. The cities of Park Valley, Tremonton, Clarkston, and Richmond were hardest hit by hailstones commonly 1½" in diameter.
1975 - Cloudburst rains over Thompson Creek sent huge rocks along with mud, silt, and other debris into the community of Annabella. Nearly 15,000 turkeys were killed as floodwaters roared from Cove Mountain into the brooding crops in Annabella.
1896 - Torrential rain lasting one hour flooded Eureka (Juab County), drowning two people and causing one to die of heart failure. Rails and railroad bridges were also torn up.
1953 - Very heavy rains near Cedar City resulted in massive flooding in nearby canyon areas. Huge boulders and rocks were brought down by the floods, carrying red clay onto the farms in Cedar Valley.
1964 - "Every street in Panguitch (Garfield County) was a running river from curb to curb" as the southern Utah city was hit by a cloudburst that deposited 1.85" of rain in 90 minutes.
1943 - A severe wind and rain storm near American Fork (Utah County) killed 10,000 turkeys valued at about $3.00 each. Also, trees were uprooted and homes and other buildings were damaged.
1975 - An electrical storm struck the Coalville area in northern Utah, and lightning split a tall tree to the base, killing a ram that was near the tree.
1986 - Lightning struck a house in the Holladay area in the Salt Lake Valley, causing a fire that resulted in $1,000,000 in damage to the house and its valuable contents.
1863 - A flood in Iron County's Pine Creek raised the creek's water level about 20 feet. The waters swept away a house and drowned four children.
1937 - Payson (Utah County) encountered heavy hail that covered a strip 1½ miles wide and four miles long. Some hailstones were 1" in diameter. Soldier Summit, located between Provo and Price, also reported 1" diameter hail.
1976 - A storm with strong winds knocked down a 70-foot elm tree onto a house in Pleasant Grove.
1985 - Hail of ½" to 1" in diameter fell in Sevier County, breaking windows, destroying crops, and damaging trees.
1918 - At about 10:00 PM, two large bolts of lightning struck and killed 654 head of sheep on Mill Canyon Peak in American Fork Canyon. According to one historical account: "Forked lightning had struck twice and split down two sides of the peak.…There was about a seventy-five foot swath in between the dead sheep and where not a one was injured.…The dead sheep all had to be moved to the opposite side of the canyon so as to be off the ‘water shed.' [Men] counted them as they were moved, six-hundred and fifty-four sheep had been killed."
1955 - At Eureka (Juab County) in west central Utah, a heavy rainstorm sent water racing through the town.
1960 - A large dust devil in Minersville damaged a filling station and broke windows in nearby houses.
1965 - Heavy thunderstorms flood Utah County's Timpanogos National Monument. In one hour, 2.40" of rain fell, resulting in two landslides. Floods also washed out paved highway, foot bridges, and trails. Damage was estimated at over $100,000.
1987 - Snow fell above 9,000 feet in the Uintah Mountains, startling campers. Light accumulations were noted above 11,500 feet.
1994 - Monsoon rains inundate portions of Washington County in southwest Utah. New Harmony received the lion's share of rain with 2.00" falling in just 50 minutes.
1995 - Thunderstorms produced microburst winds to 74 mph at Provo BYU. At Duchesne, .50" of rain fell in 10 minutes.
JULY 18-20
1985 - At Orderville (Kane County), three days of relentless thunderstorms dumped 3.00" of rain that flooded basements and businesses. Thunderstorms caused flooding in other sections of the state.
1951 - Tooele, Salt Lake, and Millard Counties reported considerable crop damage due to hail.
1955 - Cedar Breaks National Monument in southwest Utah received 3" of hail during a heavy downpour in the afternoon.
1972 - A 100 yard-wide whirlwind took the top off from several sheds and uprooted trees in Nephi.
1987 - A thunderstorm produced a microburst wind of 71 mph at Kearns in the Salt Lake Valley.
1990 - Heavy thunderstorms dumped .87" of rain in 30 minutes at Fruitland.
1968 - Heavy rain, thunder and lightning struck Provo and Orem, flooding several streets and basements.
1995 - At Park Valley in Box Elder County .60" of rain fell in 10 minutes.
1943 - Nephi was flooded when nearly 2.00" of rain fell in a short period of time. Water rushing out of Salt Creek Canyon was two feet deep in places.
1957 - During the evening hours, lightning struck a powder company plant near Spanish Fork. Hail ¼" to ½" fell at Richfield and Central, with crop losses ranging from 50-100%.
1987 - Moisture from the remnants of Tropical Storm Dora collided with a cold front over northern Utah, producing heavy rain, localized flooding, and large hail. The most severe weather occurred over Salt Lake and Utah Counties. Rainfall amounts included: Kearns 1.85", Holladay 1.50", and Provo/BYU 1.08" of rain. Hailstones 2" in diameter hit Provo and Springville, injuring a dozen people and damaging numerous cars. Hail in Kearns was piled up 2-4" deep, with wind and water piling the hail up to two feet deep in some areas of west Kearns. Baseball size hailstones fell at Coalville. Damage estimates from the storm soared over the $9,000,000 mark.
1995 - A wild day across northern Utah with golf-ball size hailstones falling at Tooele, 1" diameter hailstones at Yost in Box Elder County, and 1.42" of rain in 30 minutes along with marble size hail at Hyrum.
1904 - The largest flood in 36 years swept down Cedar City's main canyon, flooding parts of the town and tearing out dams and ditches.
1943 - A cloudburst at American Fork (Utah County) killed over 5,000 turkeys.
1968 - Tintic in central Utah reported flood damage after 2.50" of rain fell in about two hours. Also, a valuable horse was killed by lightning.
1984 - Strong winds overturned a houseboat at Lake Powell. Near Dry Fork Canyon, .90" of rain fell in 10 minutes.
1995 - Coalville recorded a microburst wind gust of 66 mph.
1957 - Lightning struck, set afire, and destroyed a church house at Montwell (Duchesne County). Lightning bolts hit two other places in the same vicinity, and in one case knocked a boy over a fence and into unconsciousness.
1985 - Tremonton, in extreme northern Utah, set a new 2-hour precipitation record with 2.39".
1993 - A cold storm brought 6" of snow to the Mirror Lake area in the Uinta Mountains, and 3" of the white stuff to Hidden Peak at Snowbird Ski Resort.
JULY 23-26
1993 - A very cool and wet period across much of Utah with substantial amounts of rain and record low temperatures. Rainfall amounts generally ranged from 1.25" to 2.75".
1847 - The Mormon pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. On this date, Wilford Woodruff recorded in his diary, "There was a thundershower and it rained over nearly the whole valley; it also rained a little in the forepart of the night. We felt thankful for this, as it was the generally conceived opinion that it did not rain in the valley during the summer season."
1946 - Heavy rains sent mud and boulders out of Pleasant Creek Canyon, engulfing Mt. Pleasant in the community's worst flood. Main Street was covered under three to four feet of water; boulders, trees, and thick mud were deposited the length of the street. One huge boulder was dumped in an optometrists reception area, automobiles were carried five blocks away, pigs were killed, and considerable damage was done to the city cemetery.
1948 - Hailstones measuring 2" in diameter fell at Price in central Utah. The severe hailstorm damaged roofs and gardens, and numerous neon signs and windows.
1958 - In Nephi, high winds preceding a storm front lifted two empty steel grain bins 15 feet off the ground and carried them nearly 450 feet, depositing them intact.
1976 - Several residents from Orangeville were roasting hot dogs in Joe's Valley during a break in a rainstorm when lightning struck them. The metal hot dog rods served as conductors, carrying the electricity through them into the ground. Several people had curious red marks on their skin where the electricity had apparently passed through their bodies.
1990 - Early morning thunderstorms produced 1" diameter hail at Payson and .78" of rain in 45 minutes. In addition, hail 6-8" deep had to be plowed off of State Route 24 in Wayne County near Lyman. About 6,000 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes were detected in Utah between 12:30 PM and 8:00 PM. At about 6:00 PM lightning struck a runway at the Salt Lake City International Airport, leaving a few holes in the surface of the runway.
1983 - At Churchwells, near the Utah/Arizona border, 3.60" of rain fell in a three-hour period.
1991 - A line of thunderstorms produced heavy rain that reduced the visibility to one mile at the Salt Lake City International Airport. Also, a peak wind gust of 59 mph was recorded.
1960 - An all-time record hot 107°F was recorded in Salt Lake City.
1982 - A six-foot wall of water tumbled down Gate Canyon, about 20 miles south of Myton (Duchesne County.)
1986 - A considerable amount of hail was reported in the west portion of the Salt Lake Valley. Kearns received 1¼" diameter hailstones and West Valley City received Ping-Pong ball size hail.
1904 - A heavy cloudburst hit New Harmony, driving people from their homes and washing away foundations and several miles of roadway. The path of the flood covered several miles in length and was ½ mile in width.
1951 - A severe lightning and rain storm described as "the worst lightning storm in (the) history of (the) valley" caused $500,000 damage in Salt Lake, Bountiful, and Bingham. Salt Lake City streets were filled with water from curb to curb, sections of highway between Bingham and Copperton were completely destroyed. Two cars were virtually buried in mud from flash floods.
1983 - Severe weather hit Sevier County in southwest Utah as 3" of hail piled up at Redmond.
1896 - One of the worst flash floods to ever hit Eureka killed four people and turned the main street into a raging torrent.
1917 - Thunderstorms meandering over Huntsville (Carbon County) and Sunnyside (Carbon County), deposited more than 2.00" of rain in 24 hours. A more potent thunderstorm at Morgan (Morgan County) lasted two hours and brought a flood of boulders and gravel.
1952 - Hailstones measuring over 1" in diameter struck fields northwest of Parowan in southwest Utah, destroying $7,000 worth of grain and corn.
1982 - Severe thunderstorms lashed out over Utah. Downpours occurred at many areas with Salt Lake City picking up 1.11" of rain in 15 minutes. A waterspout was spotted over Utah Lake, and a funnel cloud above Provo Canyon. Hailstones ½" in diameter hit Orderville in south central Utah.
1883 - A massive Virgin River flood tore out all dams between Washington Field and Mesquite, Nevada. A massive eight hour flood, "the heaviest known in this part of the country," flooded Kanab Creek at Kanab. "Masses of earth as large as a common house floated down the stream with willows still standing." Floodwaters cut a channel 50 feet deep and 225 feet wide, killing several cattle, destroying crops, and opened a number of new springs.
1969 - A series of heavy thunderstorms struck sections of Utah. A cloudburst at Bountiful inundated 5th South with a foot of water. The Salt Lake City International Airport recorded 1.16" of rain in three hours. The heavy rain caused a United Airlines 727 to slide off the runway. At Moab, lightning struck a house and caused a $30,000 fire. In the Tooele area, old-timers said, "it was the worst storm in many years, the biggest in over 27 years" as rains deposited debris throughout the area.
1975 - At St. George, a highway patrol officer reported that an 18-foot wall of water swept down the Virgin River, after giant thunderstorms dumped 2.76" of rain at Zion Park headquarters.
1995 - A "gustnado" was observed in the Centerville area of northern Utah during the evening. (A gustnado is a microburst that once it touches the ground has some circular rotation but is not coupled with circulation aloft.) Substantial damage occurred at several locations. One person was briefly lifted into the air then dropped to the ground. A flag pole was snapped, which had previously withstood 90 mph canyon winds. At a construction site, a large outhouse (with no one in it) was pushed over.
1921 - Heavy rains at Hatch, in southern Utah, caused "the worst floods known" in Proctor Canyon. This was the second time damaging floods had hit the area within one month.
1939 - Moroni received a cloudburst of 1.64" of rainfall in just two hours.
1953 - Two consecutive cloudbursts 30 minutes apart sent floodwaters down Granite Flats in American Fork Canyon, causing 45 campers to seek cover as the water uprooted their camp. Some 100 canyon residents were stranded as the floodwaters smashed small bridges and washed out roads.
1958 - An intense rainstorm dumped nearly 2.00" of rain in 40 minutes over Fielding (Box Elder County), killing 1,300 turkeys in four foot deep floodwater. Farm equipment, poultry flocks, and calves were swept away by floods due to the heavy rainfall.
1961 - Nearly 1.50" of rain fell in less than 30 minutes near Richfield in southwest Utah.
1962 - Marble size hailstones flattened gardens and ripped leaves from trees at Lehi. On some farms nearly 60% of all crops were destroyed.
1965 - A series of heavy thunderstorms moved across Salt Lake, dumping up to 3.00" of rain in narrow Neff"s Canyon. Resulting mud and water rushed into Salt Lake City, causing $200,000 damage to homes and highways.
1966 - Escalante in south central Utah, received 2.00" of rain in two hours, causing flooding to homes.
1912 - Heavy rains and floodwaters "washed out every street in Eureka. Water and debris entered the back doors of business houses and came out the front, washing out merchandise. Barrels of beer and empty beer kegs floated out front doors and down the canyon."
1936 - Autos were tipped over, seven homes were partially buried, and the main road along Willard in Box Elder County was buried under mud for nearly two blocks after cloudburst rains occurred in Willard Canyon.
1983 - Nearly 1.00" of rainfall in 10 minutes in the Grandview area of Provo caused a large mudslide at the Geneva Recreation Association Park. The same thunderstorm flooded the BYU Marriott Center. At Kanab, heavy, slow-moving thunderstorms caused flooding which uprooted sagebrush and deposited rock across the highway.
1988 - Flash flooding occurred across portions of southwest Utah after heavy thunderstorms dumped 1.60" of rain in 40 minutes at Greenville near Beaver, and 1.10" of rain in 35 minutes at Modena.
1989 - A major flash flood event occurred in Cedar City and Cedar Canyon. Heavy late afternoon rains sent a flash flood cascading out of Fiddlers Canyon and into three subdivisions in the northeast portion of Cedar City. A number of cars were displaced, overturned, or relocated by the flood waters. At the Cedar City Airport .60" of rain fell in 12 minutes, reducing the visibility to 1/8 of a mile. Winds also gusted to 59 mph.
1916 - "Sleds, buggies, and other farming utensils" were swept away due to a flash flood at Fairview (Sanpete County). Water depths ranged from two to six feet within the city.
1955 - The largest flood in many years came down Parowan Canyon in southern Utah. Though the Parowan station recorded a moderate 0.85" of rain in one hour, it was probably heavier in the mountains.
1968 - A series of the most intense cloudbursts ever experienced in Utah occurred over the Monticello/Blanding area of southeast Utah. An estimated 6.50" of precipitation fell at Blanding in 24 hours. Over 2.00" of rain was measured in 40 minutes, with the rains breaking a number of state intensity records. Bluff, located 20 miles south of Blanding, was inundated by water, mud, and debris three feet deep.
1972 - Lightning caused problems in north central Utah. At Provo, a bolt struck a tree and knocked a limb through a bedroom window showering two children with broken glass. In Payson, lightning struck and killed five cattle, and in southern Salt Lake County a storage building at an outdoor movie theater was struck and set ablaze.
1919 - Heavy rains over the mountains near Moab caused a nighttime flood that did $25,000 damage to power plants, irrigation and water supply systems, and homes and farms.
1922 - Wasatch County was hit by a storm reported to be the "worst ever experienced." At Heber, Midway, and Charleston, streets were flooded and hundreds of chickens and several pigs were drowned. A Salt Lake County resident drowned when a cloudburst flood demolished his home in Magna.
1956 - A two hour torrential rain inundated Monticello (San Juan County). In some places water was two feet deep. A motor lodge received nearly $50,000 worth of damage.
1888 - Hailstones 1" in diameter hit Orangeville (Emery County). Gardens were destroyed.
1907 - The northern half of the state was visited by severe lightning and windstorms. Wind speeds up to 64 mph were observed in Salt Lake City. Also, considerable damage was done to small buildings and telephone lines.
1951 - The worst flooding in five decades hit Lehi and Alpine (Utah County).
1961 - Heavy rain near Levan (Juab County), produced a channel of floodwaters eight feet deep and 14 feet wide. New gullies were cut and numerous fish were killed.
1913 - A rain storm deluged the town of Moroni (Sanpete County) . In one hour and twenty minutes 1.54" of rain fell, and an observer in the center of the storm felt "convinced that 4.50" fell in three hours and 15 minutes." The storm was accompanied by high winds and hail measuring ½" in diameter.
1929 - Heavy rain flooded Milford's Main Street (Beaver County) under 13" of water, damaging stores and merchandise.
1951 - An intense 30 minute cloudburst over downtown Salt Lake City flooded hotels, theaters, and stores. Hundreds of basements were flooded, and traffic became snarled as boulders tumbled down 400 South and 500 South Streets. The City and County Building grounds became inundated with water. At Ogden, 3.03" of rain fell during the 24-hour period.
1954 - Heavy rain in Salt Lake dumped 1.55" in 3 hours. Runoff flooded streets and basements.
1991 - Thunderstorms produced a swath of hail in the south end of the Salt Lake Valley and up Little Cottonwood Canyon. Hailstones ½" in diameter hail fell for about 15 minutes to a depth of three inches at Snowbird. Forty-three people were injured when the hail and rain cause a large canvas canopy to collapse on 1,400 people watching a performance of the Utah Symphony. The same storm produced large hail across many portions of northern Utah. Hail reports were: Riverton and Point of the Mountain 1¾" in diameter, South Jordan 1¼" in diameter, Sandy 1" in diameter, Alta ¾" in diameter, and Logan ½" in diameter.
1993 - Koosharem, in southwest Utah, was drenched with .70" of rain in just 10 minutes, along with ¼" diameter hail, and Greenwich received .50" of rain in 12 minutes.
1943 - Cloudbursts lasting over 30 minutes in Helper (Carbon County) and Monroe (Sevier County) produced flash floods that damaged or destroyed highways, railroads, canals, power lines and mines, with homes, fields and crops either washed away or buried under mud flows. Damage totaled $250,000.
1948 - A flash flood near Sunnyside (Carbon County) in east central Utah killed a man.
1985 - A huge dust devil tore part of the roof off a business in Murray.
1901 - Floods north of Fairview (Sanpete County) washed out bridges and culverts, and carried away pigs and chickens. At nearby Milburn, a cloudburst sent an "avalanche of water freighted with trees and boulders" down into the valley. Part of the town was covered under three feet of water, mud, and boulders.
1945 - The worst storm and cloudburst in 15 years hit the central Utah community of Manderfield, causing considerable damage to crops and fields, drowning cattle, and closing U.S. Highway 91. Lightning struck a large transformer at the municipal power plant, interrupting electrical service for several hours.
1955 - Severe thunderstorms crossed northern Utah. Floods undermined several streets in Salt Lake City, while flash floods rumbled down Rose Canyon in the Oquirrh Mountains.
1957 - Nearly 2.00" of rain fell in 30 minutes, washing huge boulders and mud across U.S. Highway 50-6 in the Helper and Castle Gate area of Carbon County in central Utah.
1967 - Southern Utah was hit hard by cloudbursts. Heavy rain 30 miles northwest of Milford caused the derailment of 29 Union Pacific freight train cars. At Richfield, one-fourth of a mile of a county road was washed out. Near Kingston, heavy rains produced a wall of water four feet high.
1991 - Helper, in east central Utah, received 1.02" of rain in 12 minutes.
1915 - A severe electrical storm followed by cloudbursts caused considerable damage at Tintic (Juab County) in central Utah. Mine workers were forced to climb 2,000 feet out of the shafts when transmission lines were destroyed.
1941 - The heaviest floods in over 30 years hit the small town of Alton (Kane County) in southern Utah. Floods ripped a bridge out and carried it one-half mile down stream.
1993 - Cloudburst rains struck Carbonville with .95" of rain, with .54" of that falling in seven minutes.
1987 - Panguitch, in southwest Utah, recorded 2.50" of rain in 12 hours.
1941 - A severe cloudburst at Ogden dumped 1.40" of rain in one hour. Water flowed in torrents through the business district, destroying merchandise, and carrying automobiles. The Forest Service in Ogden Canyon reported a phenomenal 2.10" of rain in 25 minutes.
1983 - Lightning hit an A-frame building at a Nephi recreational campground area, starting a blaze that charred attic beams. The surge of electricity caused damage to TV's and broke light bulbs all over the campground.
1986 - Fruitland (Duchesne County) was hit by 1" diameter hail.
1993 - It was "hail-of-a-day" across central and southern portions of the Salt Lake Valley due to severe thunderstorms. Many areas were clobbered with large hail, including: Herriman ½" to 1¼" diameter hail up to 3" deep, South Sandy ½" to 1½" diameter hail up to 2" deep, Midvale ¾" to 1½" diameter hail, and Murray ½" to 1½" diameter hail. Some of the more intense rainfall amounts were: South Sandy 1.25" in 20 minutes (1.50" total), Sandy .72" in 10 minutes, and Midvale .60" in 10 minutes.
1929 - An unusual storm began over Pine Valley in southwest Utah, and continued intermittently for four days. The town was flooded on three different days as the river rose to a record height. Local observers estimated total rainfall at 7.00".
1920 - One of Utah's most severe hailstorms occurred at Lehi, causing over $50,000 in damage. Most of the hailstones ranged between 3" and 4" in circumference, with some up to 6.5" in circumference. Hundreds of chickens and some rabbits perished. One man was struck by a hailstone which partially tore off his ear. An estimated 7,000 window panes were broken, and a large greenhouse was all but destroyed.
1926 - Hailstones nearly 1" in diameter fell at Watson (Uinta County) in northeast Utah, damaging trees shrubbery, window panes, and roofs of buildings.
1941 - Hundreds of acres of crops were flattened or completely destroyed by hail and rainfall in Vernal. At Plymouth, located in extreme northern Box Elder County, an emergency airfield was eroded by runoff when 1.36" fell in a short period of time.
1953 - At 5:15 AM in Provo, a "maroon ball of lightning one foot in diameter" struck a "silver leaf polar tree" and split the three foot thick, 75-foot tall tree in half, cracking open the ground surrounding the tree.
1983 - Intense lightning storms over northern Utah produced 15,000 cloud-to-ground strikes and 50,000 total lightning strikes in a five hour period. The lightning zapped several trees in residential areas of Utah County.
1994 - Tropical moisture spread northward across Utah producing heavy rains in short periods of time. Some reports included: Pleasant Grove .38" in 8 minutes, Maeser .50" in 10 minutes, Carbon 1.20" in 30 minutes, and Helper 1.15" in 15 minutes.
1903 - A flash flood rushed down Dry Creek at Toquerville (Washington County) in southwest Utah, trapping and drowning a man who was unable to escape.
1955 - A monstrous flash flood hit St. George, pouring a five foot wall of water one mile wide over numerous farms. Another flash flood in nearby Barracks Canyon, located 18 miles northwest of Kanab, marooned 150 members of a motion picture company for two hours. Many pieces of film equipment were swept away by the flood.
1968 - One of the worst rainstorms ever to hit Tooele dropped 1.16" of rain in 20 minutes. Several business establishments and a number of homes were flooded. A small car floated down a city street.
1981 - Iron County experienced severe weather as golf ball-sized hail piled up one foot deep in some areas.
1993 - A 72 year old male patient at a nursing home in Sandy was struck by lightning while in his bed. The lightning left a "yolk size" red mark on his cheek. The man was knocked unconscious for three to four minutes and was blinded for 10 minutes. Ironically, the patient was in intense pain just prior to the strike and was pain free for 24 hours thereafter. Heavy thunderstorms dumped 1.03" of rain in 15 minutes at Lehi in Utah County. Other intense rainfall amounts were: American Fork Canyon .80" in 15 minutes with pea-size hail, Alpine .49" in 12 minutes, and Riverton .70" in 15 minutes. The UHP reported 6" of hail on the ground at the top of Huntington Canyon.
1995 - Microburst winds gusted to 92 mph at the top of the Kimball Tower on the BYU campus in Provo.
1927 - Hailstones "the size of small bird eggs" cut a path one-half mile wide in the town of Price.
1929 - A heavy cloudburst over Bingham Canyon in Salt Lake County lasted over two hours, demolishing many houses and sending a 50,000-ton copper drum down the mountainside, barely missing several dozen people.
1982 - A flash flood produced a wall of water estimated at 60 feet wide and four feet deep near Bonanza (Uintah County) in northeast Utah. Five cars were lost, 11 cars damaged, and two people were injured.
1995 - The town of Ferron got a summer bath as 1.72" of rain fell in 45 minutes.
1882 - A violent rain and hailstorm over St. George damaged roads, blew down trees, and knocked "fruit by the ton" off orchard trees.
1956 - Lightning started a fire at a welding shop in Coalville (Summit County) in northern Utah. The shop and its contents were lost.
1986 - Hail struck from the Point of the Mountain through northern Utah County. The hail brought traffic at the Point of the Mountain to a standstill. Hail ½" in diameter was reported at Provo and Alpine.
1987 - Thunderstorms produced 1.75" of rain in 45 minutes in an area seven miles northwest of Cedar City; and 1.13" of rain in two hours at Kanab.
1995 - Golf ball size hail bombarded the Bluffdale/Draper area in the Salt Lake Valley. The UHP reported numerous traffic accidents on I-15 due to this storm.
1906 - At Tropic (Garfield County) in southern Utah, 2.00" of rain fell in two hours. Torrents of water rushed through the streets and walnut-sized hailstones stripped leaves from standing corn. The same flood struck Cannonville, four miles downstream from Tropic, as a five foot crest of water, carrying rocks and timber, bore down on the town.
1923 - One of Utah's most disastrous and deadly floods caused hundreds of thousands of dollars damage to Farmington, Centerville, and Willard. A family of six camping in Farmington Canyon perished in the flood. Observers in Farmington Canyon reported flood crests 75-100 feet high and 200 feet wide. Patrons at the nearby Lagoon amusement park were rescued from trees and roofs as they sought refuge from the rapidly rising waters. At Willard, four dwellings were destroyed and two women died when their house was demolished. In Salt Lake City, 1.05" of rain fell in 30 minutes.
1943 - Hail and rain fell on Salina and Salina Canyon. Half-dollar-sized hailstones fell for about 20 minutes. A torrential rain fell for about one hour. After the storm passed, fish of every size lined the banks of Salina Creek.
1978 - Destructive hail and wind ravaged crops in the Willard area of northern Utah, causing $1,000,000 in damage to the almost ripe fruit crop. Salt Lake City was on the southern edge of this storm and reported a wind gust of 74 mph.
1896 - A flood caused by a cloudburst and hailstorm washed out a sawmill and carried trees, boulders, and trash into Fillmore (Millard County). Some of the trees carried into town were three feet in diameter.
1924 - Heavy hail hit Roosevelt (Duchesne County), with hailstones reported ½" to 1" in diameter that covered an area one-half mile wide and four miles long. At Benmore (Tooele County), hailstones up to 1" in diameter killed a few chickens.
1968 - Rain and hail dumped 1.15" of rain on Moab, flooding homes and roads, and depositing six to ten inches of mud and sand on streets throughout the town.
1934 - In Eureka .85" of rain fell in 22 minutes and sent four feet of water into the town, flooding many buildings and causing automobiles to "float" down Main Street.
1955 - A flash flood that raged through a processing plant in Nephi killed nearly 8,000 turkeys.
1984 - On I-15 between Nephi and Levan, cars were washed off the highway as flash flooding sent a wave of water up to three feet high across the road.
1987 - A cold front moved across northern Utah, producing heavy rain and hail. Hailstones measured nearly 1" in diameter at Sandy, and 1" diameter hail piled up two inches deep in Emigration Canyon.
1928 - A sheep rancher drowned when torrential rains at Price's Nine Mile Canyon caused heavy floodwaters to cover his automobile. His daughter who was riding with him escaped by clinging to brush and crawling to safety.
1936 - Hail that was five to six inches deep gave a "Christmas in August" illusion to Beaver in southwest Utah. The vicious hailstorm destroyed numerous crops and deposited 1.56" of precipitation in just one hour.
1958 - An incredible 5.00" of rain fell in one hour in Morgan, setting new state high intensity precipitation records for one, two, and three-hour periods. The cloudburst blocked the highway with boulders and mud four feet deep and about 40 feet wide across the road. City streets in Morgan were described as "rivers." In the Goshen/Elberta area (Utah County) of central Utah, rain, wind, and hail damaged crops, flooded homes, and stalled cars. Nearly 2.00" of rain fell in one hour.
1983 - More than 1.00" of rain fell in a 25-minute period, causing extensive flooding in downtown Provo. Damage was reported at 15 businesses. Water was four feet deep on some roads and eight buildings on the BYU campus were also flooded.
1990 - Monsoonal moisture set the stage for thunderstorms that produced heavy rain across much of Utah. Some of the more intense rainfall amounts included: Moab 1.00" in 20 minutes, Liberty 1.00" in 30 minutes, and Provo .60" in 10 minutes.
1959 - Gale force winds and a cloudburst hit the Provo area. A baby had to be evacuated out a window when three feet of water blocked the doors of the home.
1965 - Annabella and Glenwood (Sevier County) were hit hard by flash flooding. Mud from four to six inches deep piled up in fields. Buildings and roads in Annabella received substantial damage.
1969 - A brief but strong storm dropped 2.00" of rain over the Salt Lake Valley, causing heavy flooding and doing $5,000-$10,000 in damage to a number of houses. An earth-filled dam in the southern part of the valley gave way, sending a wall of water into several basements.
1989 - Strong winds ripped into the northern part of the state about dinner time with a peak gust to 67 mph at the Salt Lake City International Airport, 65 mph at Dugway, and 61 mph at Ogden.
1994 - Orderville, in southern Utah, picked up .85" of rain in 10 minutes.
AUGUST 17-18
1979 - An estimated 2.50" of rain fell over Box Elder and Weber Counties overfilling a canal with water, debris, and mud in North Ogden. The canal later broke, flooding many homes and causing $500,000 in damages.
1965 - Cloudbursts over canyons near Cedar City caused floods that wreaked havoc in government lands and damaged the city cemetery and golf course.
1977 - A long, narrow band of heavy rain from the remnants of Hurricane Doreen moved through the Cache Valley in northern Utah. Rain fell all day, with 20-foot deep gullies created along the bench areas of River Heights. Within 20 hours, 3.84" of rain fell at Utah State University in Logan, with over 4.00" reported in other nearby areas.
1991 - A cloudburst at Richfield produced 1.25" of rain in a 30 minute period.
1994 - A heavy shower deposited .71" of rain in 10 minutes at Torrey.
1886 - Four successive cloudbursts hit Kanab. The largest of the four produced hailstones 1½" in diameter. Crops and dams were considerably damaged.
1945 - In the aftermath of a furious wind, rain, and hailstorm at Salt Lake City, one eyewitness stated, "The Salt Lake [City Municipal] Airport was literally destroyed by the storm. Planes stood on the runways with wings broken off and their fuselages dotted with holes from the hail." Nearly 50 fabric-covered airplanes were badly damaged, and nearly 700 windows were broken in hangars and other buildings in and around the airport. Record size hailstones, 2" in diameter, were measured at the airport. Piles of hail 14" deep were deposited on roofs of buildings in Salt Lake City. Wind gusts up to 70 mph were recorded. At the Salt Lake Cemetery, headstones were overturned and cracked and floodwaters split open some graves, exposing bodies and washing away caskets. For the first time in modern history, City Creek flooded, sending water down State Street, uprooting entire sections of pavement, moving parked cars for several blocks, and sweeping pedestrians off their feet. Logs 30 feet long and one foot wide, and 300-400 pound boulders rolled down the streets of Salt Lake City. Storm damage approached $500,000.
1963 - A cloudburst of heavy rain, hail and lightning swept across Utah County, sending mud, rocks, and limbs cascading across Diamond Fork above Spanish Fork Canyon. In southwest Utah, Cedar City received over 2.00" of rain in four hours, flooding a number of basements.
1966 - 70 mph winds hit the Milford Airport during the afternoon, destroying three light planes and blowing a roof off a hangar, carrying it onto the highway. The roof sheared several power and telephone poles.
1989 - Hailstones 1" in diameter fell at both Price in Carbon County and at Yost in Box Elder County.
1994 - Golf ball size hail and .60" of rain in 10 minutes struck Monticello in southeast Utah.
1957 - Flash floods trapped hundreds of people in southern and eastern Utah. Near Kanab, 225 persons were stranded due to heavy flooding at two separate locations. At Moab, heavy rainfall also trapped several people.
1963 - A severe lightning and hailstorm struck Duchesne in northeast Utah. Hailstones up to 1.5" in diameter fell for 20 minutes, stripping corn, flattening grain and alfalfa, ripping holes in tomatoes, and breaking windows and neon signs.
1986 - Severe thunderstorms hit the Wasatch Front. Nearly 2.00" of rain fell, causing widespread urban flooding in Salt Lake, with some flooding reported to buildings at the University of Utah. Strong winds tore the roof off a house in Orem.
1932 - Escalante and Antimony (Garfield County) received "the greatest floods known." Antimony received 2.78" of rain in two hours.
1975 - A driving hailstorm hit Washington County, damaging crops, roadways, canals, and homes. Many crops were destroyed and windows were broken by ¾" diameter hail. Conservative estimates placed damage above $100,000.
1983 - Golf ball-sized hail pelted areas of northern Utah. Fifteen windshields were broken in cars traveling on I-15. Widespread reports of hail 1" to 1¼" in diameter were noted.
1992 - Strong winds gusted to 63 mph at Kearns shortly after midnight. That day microburst winds gusted to 76 mph at Provo BYU. A cement truck driver got the jolt of his life in Sandy when lightning struck the truck's chute, knocking the driver 20-30 feet into the bushes. When bystanders brought the man inside he was breathing erratically and was "white as a ghost".
1995 - Heavy rains were reported and noted on Doppler Radar in the Scofield Mine area. One weather observer in Torrey (Wayne County) recorded 2.90" of rain in about a two hour period.
1962 - A bolt of lightning struck an 11 year-old boy playing football in Holladay in the Salt Lake Valley. The lightning shredded his tennis shoes and burned his trouser zipper.
1921 - Helper and Price (Carbon County), received 2.00" of rain in one hour, causing local canyon floods and heavy damage.
1937 - At Tropic (Garfield County), heavy rain and 1½" diameter hailstones were observed.
1995 - An intense thunderstorm cell moved over Flaming Gorge, producing a deluge of 2.25" of rain in one hour at the Dutch John site near the dam. The storm total amounted to 2.50". In the early evening a wild thunderstorm struck Tooele with .92" of rain in 15 minutes, with 1.05" total for the storm. The winds also gusted to 72 mph in Tooele as the storm blasted through.
1905 - A cloudburst over the Virgin River in southwest Utah, caused the largest flood in St. George history. Price Dam was entirely swept away, animals were killed, and crop land was flooded.
1913 - The "annual August flood" in Ephraim (Sanpete County) broke all previous property damage records. Cellars were filled with mud, lawns were destroyed, and 25 cubic-foot boulders rolled into town.
1991 - A tremendous complex of thunderstorm cells moved into the Wasatch Front of northern Utah. The visibility was lowered to 1/8 of a mile at South Jordan and the Point of the Mountain due to dust. Winds gusted to 61 mph at the Provo Airport and Provo BYU. Approximately 20,000 lightning strikes were noted over Utah from the morning of the 24th to the morning of the 25th.
1994 - Strong "microburst" winds were reported at Maeser, near Vernal. An eyewitness observed the winds pick up his picnic table and splinter it, and his hay barn lifted five feet in the air before the roof was torn off. The barn was made of welded oil castings which were very heavy. The roof blew 240 feet and damaged a neighbor's shed and motor home before finally landing in the driveway. There was also damage to a 1,000 pound router saw table which had taken eight men to move.
1955 - A flash flood at Lapoint in eastern Utah washed out a half dozen bridges. The waters were two feet deep around one house, with boulders half as big as a car strewn over the yard.
1957 - At Kanab (Kane County), a thunderstorm produced hail 2" deep in 10 minutes. Gardens were flattened, several roofs damaged, and some flooding occurred when the hail melted.
1965 - A wall of water "between 15 and 25 feet deep" roared down Little Bear Canyon near Huntington. Damage to the Huntington City water works included the destruction of 1,400 feet of pipeline.
1984 - Hail piled up 6" deep at Dugway (Tooele County) in Utah's west desert.
1989 - It was a cold morning across much of Utah. Some readings included: Randolph 23°F, Coalville 31°F, Providence 33°F, and Wellsville, Logan, Richfield, Flaming Gorge 34°F.
AUGUST 25-26
1993 - Tropical moisture from Hurricane Hillary dumped incredible amounts of rain across portions of southwest Utah. At the Goldstrike Mine, six miles northwest of Gunlock, 4.14" of rain was recorded in less than three hours. A weather observer at Santa Clara reported 1.75" of rain in 30 minutes, along with ½" diameter hail. Elsewhere across the state, 1.00" of rain fell in 30 minutes four miles west of Price.
1913 - Heavy rain sent water, sand, gravel, and boulders cascading down the foothills of Mayfield (Sanpete County). In some areas the debris covered the land so completely that the cost to clear the area was more than the value of the land.
1952 - A man was killed when a sudden cloudburst flooded a tunnel he was working in at Buckhorn Wash Proving Ground, 15 miles south of Castle Dale.
1985 - A wind speed of 70 mph was clocked in Sandy in the Salt Lake Valley. The Great Salt Lake Minerals plant reported a peak wind gust of 69 mph. The strong microburst winds, caused by high-based thunderstorms, also damaged six planes at Salt Lake Airport II in West Jordan.
1988 - Heavy thunderstorms developed across much of central and western Utah. Rainfall amounts included: Fairview 1.94" in one hour, Loa 1.42" in one hour, Henrieville 1.25" in 48 minutes, and Beaver 1.01" in 20 minutes.
1925 - A damaging flash flood struck near Woodside (Emery County). Nine bridges were washed out, including one that was 112 feet long and another bridge 85 feet in length. Storm damage approached $150,000.
1953 - After one hour of heavy rain, Arches National Monument experienced a flash flood that submerged nearly 50 feet of road under three feet of water. The rain forced the closure of the monument entrance, stranding 25 persons for six hours.
1985 - Strong thunderstorms produced microburst winds up to 72 mph at the Great Salt Lake Minerals plant.
1988 - Heavy rains drenched southwest Utah. Leeds picked up 1.82" in one hour and St. George received 1.00" in 30 minutes.
1971 - Heavy rains and local flash flooding caused 15 vehicle accidents and two fatalities across the state. Near Ephraim and Manti (Sanpete County), the floods washed out water systems, killed 22 lambs, and destroyed hay crops. Lightning knocked over a church steeple in Salt Lake City.
1957 - Thunderstorms produced winds of 75 mph in Salt Lake County, destroying a portion of the Saltair Beach roller coaster structure.
1969 - Moab received 6.25" of rain in seven days, with 1.21" of that falling on this date. The rains ruined rural roads.
1982 - Lightning blew a one-foot by two-foot, two-inch deep hole in the blacktop at the Salt Lake City International Airport. The strike was within 200 yards of the National Weather Service Forecast Office.
1986 - After a thunderstorm dumped 1.30" of rain in 40 minutes, rocks and boulders washed down the canyon at the Hole-in-the-Rock area in southeast Utah.
1994 - A huge thunderstorm with a beautiful anvil top moved over Utah County and produced hailstones ¼" to 1" in diameter and six to nine inches deep in the American Fork-Pleasant Grove-Lehi areas. The hail shattered the window of a police car. Water amounts from this storm were: Pleasant Grove .58" in 10 minutes and American Fork .55" in 10 minutes.
1977 - An extremely heavy storm hit the community of Pine Valley (Washington County) in southwest Utah, dropping nearly 5.20" of rain in a National Forest Service rain gauge east of Pine Valley.
1986 - Hailstones 1¾" in diameter hailstones were measured at Boulder (Garfield County) in south central Utah, during a 10 minute hailstorm. Hail covered the ground to a depth of one inch.
1993 - Frost was reported in the Cache Valley and several other locations. Some of the cold low temperatures recorded were: Randolph 23°F, Smithfield and Wellsville 31°F, and Coalville, Trenton, and Laketown 32°F.
1909 - The weather observer at Emery measured a three day total of 4.09" of water. One small house was carried away and several small animals were drowned. An observer in Washington County reported 4.20" of precipitation during August 30-31.
1931 - Intense rainfall of .40" in five minutes sent nearly one foot of water through streets of North Salt Lake. Debris measuring 13 feet deep and 350 feet long blocked the road between Salt Lake and Ogden.
1936 - Minersville (Beaver County), experienced a "cloudburst of unusual violence." Heavy rain covered the streets with two to five feet of water. Nearly 2,000 acres of farmland was inundated under two feet of water. A number of livestock were killed. At Oak City (Millard County), hail caused $20,000 in damage.
1963 - A heavy rainstorm hit southeast Salt Lake City. Up to 1.80" of rain fell in 24 hours, with 1.25" falling in 10 minutes. Hailstones were measured from ½" to 1¼" in diameter. In northwest Salt Lake County, a devastating rain and hailstorm hit the Magna area. Streams were several feet deep in many places along Main Street. Homes and businesses were flooded. The storm was billed by residents as "the heaviest storm for the longest length of time in over 20 years."
1977 - Lightning struck a herd of sheep near Orangeville (Emery County), killing 14 lambs.
1939 - Lightning hit and killed 835 sheep that had been bedded down for the night on the top of Pine Canyon in the Raft River Mountains of Box Elder County in northwestern Utah. Rain from a passing thunderstorm wet the ground and sheep, causing the lightning's electrical discharge to move completely through the herd of female sheep and lambs. The next morning, fifteen sheep (out of 850) were found alive but in a dazed condition. The sheepherder was knocked temporarily unconscious, but escaped death because he was in a tent. However, burned spots on his canvas tent revealed he probably missed the fate of the sheep by only a slim margin.
1953 - An early morning thunderstorm over Tooele produced hailstones 1½" in diameter. The hail fell for 20 minutes, shattering 160 panes of glass in a greenhouse and destroying several plants.
1992 - A thunderstorm near Castle Rock in northeast Utah dropped .52" of rain in five minutes and a total of .92" in 30 minutes.
1935 - Campers and fishermen in a canyon near Oak City (Millard County) narrowly escaped drowning in a flash flood. Floodwaters carried one car with five passengers several hundred feet before lodging them against a tree.
1945 - A large flood hit Fruita (Wayne County) in southern Utah. An observer reported that "the biggest flood known in Sulphur Creek crested at 15 feet and destroyed orchards." At Bryce Canyon, four inches of hail piled up in 13 minutes.
1972 - An intense lightning and windstorm in Magna toppled trees, knocked out power and telephone lines, set fires, and produced zero visibility, resulting in several traffic accidents.
1990 - A somewhat late monsoon drenched portions of southeast Utah. At Hole-in-the-Rock, south of Moab, 3.75" of rain was.
1921 - Heavy rainfall broke the Hanksville Dam. The stone dam was 25 feet high by 100 feet long. The collapse of the dam isolated residents of Hanksville, Gibbs, Caineville, and Notom. At the time of the dam failure approximately 15 feet of water was pouring over it. The lives of several automobile passengers were endangered when 10 to 12 feet of water swept down a highway. No fatalities or injuries were reported.
1983 - Severe thunderstorms produced golf ball-sized hail over the Salt Lake Valley. Hailstones up to 1½" in diameter damaged homes and cars in the Holladay and Cottonwood areas. Heavy rain associated with the hail set a Utah state precipitation record with a downpour of 1.53" of water in 15 minutes at West Valley City. In Utah County, a boy was killed when wind blew a tree onto a tent in Hobble Creek Canyon.
1995 - St. George recorded its hottest September temperature: 109°F.
1958 - Nearly 2.50" of rain fell at Kanab (Kane County), washing out water mains in Three Lakes Canyon, filling basements in south Kanab, and flooding U.S. Highway 89.
1970 - Moist tropical air from Pacific Storm Norma collided with a cold front from the northwest. The record-breaking Labor Day weekend rains in southeast Utah produced flash floods that destroyed roads and bridges and damaged ranches near Bluff, Montezuma Creek, and Aneth. Bug Point, located east of Monticello near the Colorado border received 6.00" of rain.
1960 - A torrential rainstorm near Glenwood and Sigurd (Sevier County) in southwest Utah, caused one of the worst recorded flash floods in the area. Sections of road were stripped away by rushing water, stranding 350 automobiles. In the four square mile area of the storm, rainfall was estimated at 1.50" to 2.00" in less than 30 minutes.
1966 - A severe thunderstorm swept across Utah. Lightning struck the roof of a church house in Ogden, resulting in a fire that caused $100,000 in damage. In Cache County, lightning-caused fires destroyed barns and stored crops.
1987 - Greenville, approximately five miles west of Beaver, reported 1.33" of rain and ½" diameter hail in 30 minutes.
1965 - One of the most treacherous floods to ever hit southern Utah raged down Zion Park Narrows at the north fork of the Virgin River in Zion National Park. Forty-two trapped hikers escaped certain death by hanging onto vines, ledges, and trees, and by climbing into crevices. The next day a second deluge caused the floodwaters to increase in height, causing the hikers to climb even higher to safety.
1982 - Marble size hail fell in Layton and in the Rock Creek area of the Uinta Mountains. Hail piled up to a depth of several inches.
1994 - Three Salt Lake Buzz baseball players got "buzzed" when they were struck by lightning while playing golf in Riverton. The lightning knocked them to the ground, but they were not injured.
1995 - Heavy rains and flash flooding hit parts of southern Utah, especially in Washington County. A cloudburst let loose in the area of Snow Canyon State Park/Padre Canyon and the Tuachan Amphitheater during the early afternoon and sent a flash flood of water, red mud, and debris up to five feet deep and 75 feet wide through the theater. Doorways were filled halfway up with muck. Ironically the theater was built to re-create the historic 1862 Santa Clara River flood. Rainfall estimates from the Las Vegas Doppler Radar indicated two to three inches of rain could have fallen in a short period of time. In addition, lightning hit an apartment complex in St. George and blew a hole through a wall into a bathroom. Just north of Blanding, 1.00" of rain fell in 20 minutes along with marble size hail.
1991 - A new six-hour high intensity rainfall record was set at North Ogden: 5.50". In addition, huge amounts of water flooded through the towns of North Ogden and Harrisville. By 8:00 PM, the prolonged intense rains loosened tons of rock, mud, and debris that rolled into subdivisions along the bench areas of North Ogden, flooding hundreds of basements in both North Ogden and Harrisville. There was a "loud roar" before the debris flow hit. Luckily, no one was killed or injured. Damage totaled approximately six million dollars, as about 640 homes received some kind of damage. One house was totally destroyed and eight homes received major damage. Elsewhere across Utah, heavy rains struck the Price area, with water up to a foot deep in northern Price.
1986 - Microburst winds from dry but intense thunderstorms hit the Wasatch Front. Wind gusts up to 64 mph were measured at Provo BYU. The strong winds in Utah County blew a roof off a house and downed power lines that started a fire in some dried grass. Other strong wind gusts included: West Kearns 63 mph, West Valley City 58 mph, and South Salt Lake 57 mph. The blustery dry winds blew down a tent at the Utah State Fair.
1991 - From 6:00 AM on the 7th to 6:00 AM on the 8th, North Ogden set a new Utah 24-hour rainfall record with a whopping 8.40". The previous 24-hour record was 6.00" at Bug Point on September 5, 1970.
1927 - Three days of heavy rain caused flash flooding at Price, Kenilworth, and Roosevelt. Damage included livestock drowned, bridges washed away, farm lands flooded with debris, rail tracks washed out, boulders four feet in diameter washed into streets, 200 stands of bees destroyed, many crops lost, and property damage up to $200,000.
1949 - St. George experienced heavy thunderstorms that caused "the worst damage from a cloudburst in 20 years." A heavy downpour over the Red Hills north of town sent muddy water through the business district, flooding basements and main floors of numerous stores and houses. Floodwater in one store was 14 feet deep.
1953 - An intense thunderstorm over Bryce Canyon National Park dropped 3.36" of precipitation, including four inches of hail and slush in about two hours. A steer and four horses were killed by lightning.
1969 - A nocturnal cloudburst at Huntington (Emery County) in east central Utah dumped 6" of hail within one hour.
1991 - Strong thunderstorm winds hit the Provo and Orem areas of Utah County with winds clocked to 90 mph at the BYU campus in Provo. Damage was extensive with many large trees uprooted or damaged. A roof was lifted off an apartment complex, an aluminum roof on a carport was lifted off and carried 100 yards, and power lines were blown down.
1986 - A funnel cloud was reported in the Ogden area. Hail up to 1" in diameter fell at Roy and Eagle Range. The hail cracked the windshield of a flying F 16 airplane. Lightning hit a taxi-way at the Salt Lake City International Airport, creating a hole 6" across and 6" deep.
1972 - Winds up to 70 mph tore the roofs off houses and downed power lines at Smithfield and Logan in the Cache Valley. Power supplies to North Logan were cut off for nearly one hour.
1982 - Santaquin (Utah County) reported 2.00" of rain in one hour. Orem received 2.10" of rain and Bountiful reported a storm total of 1.79".
1984 - Heavy rain and hail hit Zion National Park, forcing the evacuation of some campers along the Virgin River. Over 2.00" of rain fell in 90 minutes.
1926 - Hailstones ¾" in diameter damaged windows, awnings, and automobiles at Manti in central Utah.
1988 - A trace of snow was reported at Milford in southwest Utah. This was the second earliest snowfall ever at Milford.
1927 - Water three feet deep roared down Price's Main Street. Flooding in the area was enhanced by melting mountain snow. One observer noted that "more rain fell in a week than usually falls in a year."
1988 - Winter came early to portions of southern Utah. Bryce Canyon received 6" of snow and Koosharem picked up 2" of snow.
1992 - A male in Orem was playing Nintendo in his home when a bolt of lightning struck a 30-foot Cottonwood tree in his yard. The lightning arced to a water meter on the side of the home and traveled through pipes into the living room. The electrical charge started a small fire in the carpet. Seconds before the bolt hit, electricity filled the air inside the home. "My hair was standing on end," said the Nintendo player.
1927 - Heavy rains caused flooding across parts of southern Utah. Some amounts included: Escalante (Garfield County) 3.20", Price (Carbon County) 3.07", Alton (Kane County) 2.90", Kanab (Kane County) 2.50", and Green River (Emery County) 2.35" of rain.
1940 - Heavy rain caused flooding at Price and Helper in central Utah. Basements were flooded and several houses were moved by floodwaters. One house was moved 50 feet.
1963 - Heavy rains and golf ball-sized hailstones hit Washington County, causing a flash flood that tore out Utah Highway 17 near the Berry Springs Bridge and disrupted traffic for two hours on U.S. Highway 91.
1959 - Lightning started fires that destroyed a warehouse and an alfalfa mill at separate locations in Ogden.
1984 - Strong thunderstorm winds at Lake Powell sunk several boats. No injuries were reported.
1985 - Thunderstorms dumped one inch diameter hail and 1.00" of rain in 15 minutes at East Carbon. Vigorous early morning thunderstorms across the state produced 700 lightning strikes during a 30-minute period.
1946 - The earliest snowfall ever at Salt Lake City was recorded with a "trace" measured.
1966 - One of the state's earliest heavy snowstorms damaged power lines, trees, shrubs, crops, and buildings across Utah. Crop damage alone was estimated at over $1,000,000 in northern Utah.
1965 - An early season snowstorm hit the northern Rockies, bringing 2.2" of snow to Salt Lake City.
1961 - A hiking party of 26 persons were caught in a flash flood in a narrow canyon of the Virgin River at Zion National Park. Five members of that party were drowned. The flood resulted from 1.50" of rain falling in a short period of time. The crest of the flood reached 14 feet in some narrow gorges. At Glen Canyon, a girl was swept away by floodwaters in Wahweap Creek.
1925 - Modena picked up 2.56" of rain in less than 12 hours.
1983 - Cold morning low temperatures were felt across northern Utah. The Bear River Reporting Station's thermometer dipped to 10°F, Tabiona dropped to 17°F, and Smithfield recorded 21°F.
1988 - One inch diameter hail fell at Clawson, ¾" diameter hail at Castledale, and ½" diameter hail at Huntington in central Utah.
1941 - Violent winds occurred from Cache County to Davis County. Damages reached $300,000. Ogden received the brunt of the damage. An airplane hangar at the old Municipal Airport, a number of small airplane stores in the hangar, and a small brick apartment under construction were badly damaged. A municipal firehouse in North Ogden was partly destroyed.
1967 - Four days and four nights of storms brought 4.00" of rain to Cedar City and swelled Coal Creek to near capacity. Damages to the municipal airport were estimated at $1,000.
1986 - Cold moist air collided with warm moist air from the remnants of Tropical Storm Madeline to give Utah a taste of winter-like weather. Some valley locations received up to 3.00" of water from the storm, while up to three feet of snow fell over the higher mountains.
1959 - Lightning struck a house in Ogden, shattering two bedroom windows and injuring a woman as she was talking on the telephone.
1992 - A line of thunderstorms (or squall line) rumbled across northern Utah with a lot of lightning and widespread microburst winds. Some of the wind gusts reported were: Wendover 76 mph, Lakeside 75 mph, Salt Lake Tower 74 mph, Bountiful 70 mph, University of Utah 69 mph, Taylorsville/Bennion 59 mph, and Grantsville 58 mph.
1990 - A wild day across northern Utah as large hail fell in many locations. Hailstone ½" to 1½" in diameter fell in the northern and western portions of Salt Lake County. Golf ball size hailstones were reported at Park City.
1983 - The remnants of Tropical Storm Olivia produced heavy rainfall over a large portion of Utah. Unprecedented rains caused widespread flooding in Salt Lake County. Two to four inches of rain fell on the 26th, and by the 30th over six inches was recorded. Also, heavy snow down to the 5,500 foot level created hazardous driving in the mountains, and precipitation records were set at many reporting stations.
1911 - In Moab nearly 100 fruit trees were washed down canyon streams during heavy rains .
1949 - A localized severe thunderstorm with heavy hail was reported at Alton. Rainfall measured 2.25". Hail fell for about one hour and measured up to two inches in diameter.
1951 - One of the heaviest hailstorms ever to hit the United States passed five miles south of Emery. Hailstones larger than half-dollars covered a strip of land 300 feet wide. After 18 hours, five foot deep stacks of hail the size of cherries were found. The hailstorm completely flattened fences and gates.
1971 - An early winter storm deposited 2-8" of snow along the Wasatch Front. The heavy, wet snow broke limbs off trees that were still covered with leaves.
1984 - Lightning hit a tree in southwest Provo, causing the tree to explode into pieces. One of the large fragments went through the front window of a nearby house, showering the living room with thousands of pieces of glass.
1986 - The earliest ski season in Utah's history got under way as Powder Mountain Ski Resort opened for night skiing.
1992 - An all time record high temperature for the month of October was set at Delta with 92°F. The old record was 89°F, previously set on October 7, 1989.
1916 - Heavy rains inundated parts of northern Utah. Rainfall amounts included: Farmington 4.51", Provo 2.91", Logan 2.77", and Morgan 2.72" of precipitation.
1984 - Clawson (Emery County) received 3.55" of precipitation, including 2" of hail in a 30-hour period.
1986 - In a two-hour period during the afternoon, 450 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes were detected around the state.
1989 - A rain cloud sat over Wendover, depositing .64" of rain. Wendover's normal annual rainfall is only 5.39".
1994 - Vernal picked up 1.26" of rain, Roosevelt received 1.12", and Spanish Fork had 1.04".
1984 - The strongest wind gust ever measured in October at Salt Lake City occurred on this date. The record gust of 71 mph was just shy of hurricane velocity (74 mph).
1994 - Around commute time severe thunderstorms developed over northern Utah, with many areas along the Wasatch Front pelted by hail. The Salt Lake City International Airport reported ¾" to 1¼" diameter hailstones which caused damage in the amount of $330,000 to roofs of the McDonnell Douglas Hangars. A spokesman said "it was pouring down rain inside the buildings." The Cottonwood Mall on the east side of the Salt Lake Valley received storm damage from hail 1" in diameter. The amount of the damage was 1.3 million dollars. Cottonwood Heights 1" diameter hail 10 inches deep in some gutters, with extensive tree damage.
1985 - A major fall storm dumped copious amounts of rain in the valleys and snow in the mountains of southern Utah. A few areas experienced pea-size to ¼" inch diameter hail.
1993 - A major dump of moisture occurred in portions of Utah due to the remnants of Tropical Storm Norma clashing with cold air pouring out of Canada. The top of the tram at Snowbird Ski Resort received 12-18" of snow. The areas that were hit the hardest were in southern Utah and along the Wasatch Front of northern Utah. Some precipitation amounts from this storm were: Ogden Bench 3.49", Bountiful 2.71", Val Verda 2.25", Arches and four miles south of Moab 2.24", Kanab 1.73", Brigham City 1.53", and Vernal 1.47".
1916 - Escalante (Garfield County) received a whopping 3.39" of precipitation, while Teasdale (Wayne County) reported an impressive 2.21" of rain that caused flooding and washouts.
1975 - A major autumn storm burst into Utah. Strong winds along the Wasatch Front caused extensive damage to buildings, breaking windows, destroying signs, and toppling many trees. At Salt Lake City, winds gusted to 49 mph, but exceeded 60 mph elsewhere in the Salt Lake Valley.
1960 - High temperatures dropped more than 40°F in three days along the Wasatch Front. The following temperatures were recorded highs in Salt Lake City: October 7, 83°F, October 8, 60°F, and October 9, 41°F.
1954 - Very heavy thunderstorms caused extensive damage in Kane and Washington Counties. An observer at Orderville measured 2.10" of precipitation in one hour and fifteen minutes, and reported the worst hailstorm and flood in years. Hail was washed into piles against obstructions to the depth of several feet in some places.
1920 - October General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held in Salt Lake City, is usually much drier than it April General Conference. Only 44% of all October conferences have received measurable precipitation. However, on this date in 1920, Salt Lake City received 1.15" of rain.
1984 - Heavy rain in the valleys and very wet snow in the mountains fell over many areas of northern Utah. Nearly 2.00" of rain fell in some valleys, while a foot of heavy wet snow (with a water content of 2.00") fell at Alta Ski Resort.
1986 - Easterly canyon winds whipped through the western slopes of the Wasatch Mountains. This canyon wind episode produced the following peak wind speeds: Centerville 84 mph, Farmington 75 mph, and Hill Air Force Base and Logan 61 mph.
1987 - In Wendover, 1.15" of rain fell in 24 hours, setting a new daily record for October. Never before had this much rainfall been recorded on any day during the month of October.
1983 - An inch of rain fell across Davis and Salt Lake Counties. Winds at Wahweap in southern Utah reached 55 mph.
1994 - The snow-level dropped to near 5,000 feet over most of the state. Brian Head Ski Resort received 16" of snow, Monticello 8-10", Cedar City 7", Fillmore 6", and Tooele 5".
1981 - Monroe (Sevier County) picked up 1.20" of rain in 90 minutes. Price, located in central Utah, reported 1.15" of precipitation and 4-5" of snow. Monticello, in southeast, Utah reported marble size hail.
1991 - Salt Lake City reached a record high temperature of 85°F, which was the warmest temperature ever recorded for so late in the Fall season.
1994 - Snow continued in earnest over portions of southern Utah. Kanosh received a total of 17" of snowfall and Fillmore picked up 6". In the north, the top of the tram at Snowbird Ski Resort received 27" of snow.
1938 - Heavy rains fell across Weber County in northern Utah. Amounts included Ogden with 2.56" and Riverdale with 2.55".
1984 - A "once-in-50-years lake effect snowstorm" dumped incredible snowfall amounts in the Salt Lake Valley. Salt Lake City picked up almost 1/3 of its annual snowfall as a record-breaking 18.4" of snow fell. Other incredible amounts included: Holladay 27", University of Utah 24", Cottonwood Heights 20", South Salt Lake 17", Murray 16", Sandy 15", and Kearns 6" of snow. An estimated 500,000 trees were damaged due to the weight of the snow. A 50-car pileup occurred on I-15 near Farmington. Many schools and businesses were forced to close. Damage from the storm totaled more than $1,000,000.
1958 - Winds over 80 mph blasted through the Provo area, toppling trees, blowing over brick walls, damaging light planes, and causing considerable property damage.
1957 - Hail up to 1¾" in diameter fell at Mexican Hat (San Juan County) in extreme southeast Utah. The hail caused damage to trailer homes, cars, and buildings.
1961 - A fast-moving cold front followed by winds over 90 mph destroyed one mile of high-tension cable in Provo. The winds broke 65-foot cedar poles six to eight feet above ground and carried them through the air like they were paper.
1985 - Strong gusty south winds preceding a cold front howled across northern Utah. A wind gust of 71 mph was reported at Lakeside on the west side of the Great Salt Lake.
1995 - The first significant valley snowfall of the winter fell in portions of Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah counties. Snowfall amounts generally ranged from 1-3". Higher snowfall amounts occurred in parts of Utah County. Springville picked up 7", Lehi and North Orem 5", and Pleasant Grove 4".
1953 - Winds gusting between 75 and 85 mph damaged schools, churches, radio and transmitting towers, and caused several traffic accidents and serious injuries in northern Utah. On the 22nd, Hill Air Force Base personnel abandoned the control tower at 4:05 PM, when wind gusts reached 85 mph.
1991 - Wellsville recorded 2.33" of precipitation from a storm that pounded many areas of Utah. Some other amounts included: Youngward 2.00", Logan Historic Farm 1.84", Liberty 1.68", Hyrum 1.60", Ogden 1.55", Milford 1.44", Richfield 1.26", and Midway 1.24".
1956 - A pre-season winter snowstorm dumped 19" of snow at Alta and 24" at Tooele.
1991 - Early in the afternoon lightning hit the main communications antenna at the Millard County public safety building in Fillmore. The lightning bolt knocked out all power in the building, exploded plastic circuit relay casings, and welded stainless steel plates together.
1989 - A major storm clobbered the northern part of Utah with thunderstorms, strong winds, rain, snow, and impressive storm precipitation totals. At the top of the tram at Snowbird Ski Resort, 24" of snow accumulated. Olympus Cove and Manti both picked up four inches of snow and Meadow received three inches of the white stuff. Some of the storm totals were: Holladay 1.95", Sandy 1.87", West Valley City 1.80", Bountiful 1.62", Hooper 1.60", Stansbury 1.57", North Salt Lake 1.53", Tooele 1.49", Wellsville 1.35", Nephi 1.31", Ogden 1.30", Alpine 1.10", and Provo BYU .84".
1982 - Moisture from Tropical Storm Sergio collided with a cold front over northern Utah, producing heavy rains and urban flooding in some areas. Flooding was enhanced by leaves and debris that clogged storm sewers. Mudslides were reported in Parleys and Big Cottonwood Canyon.
1991 - A major storm affected the entire state with phenomenal amounts of snow in the mountains and copious amounts of water in many areas. Alta Ski Resort reported a whopping 52" of snow, while Brian Head Ski Resort in southern Utah picked up an amazing 42" of powder. Most valley locations across the state received four to eight of snow with up to 10" reported at Cedar City, Tooele, and Olympus Cove. The water amounts from the storm were impressive: Stansbury 2.45", Olympus Cove 2.31", Tooele 2.27", Taylorsville 2.07", Centerville 1.94", Ogden 1.56", Cedar City 1.36", Flaming Gorge 1.23", Logan 1.21", Orem 1.17" and, Parowan 1.02".
1992 - An 8th grader living in Salem was talking on the telephone when lightning struck a nearby transformer which sent a power surge of electricity through the telephone. The telephone was burned and the girl sustained minor injuries to her ear and hearing. In Spanish Fork, lightning struck a trampoline leaving a large hole and shattered the windows of a house.
1946 - Heavy precipitation occurred throughout Utah. Two day totals included: Alta 5.68", New Harmony 4.30", Deer Creek 4.14", Santaquin 4.04", Provo 3.31", Alpine 3.24", Eureka 3.21", Delta 3.17", and Midway 3.11".
1971 - A heavy snowstorm in northern Utah stranded hunters in the mountains and collapsed carport roofs on top of cars. In addition, strong canyon winds between Bountiful and Farmington covered roads with up to eight feet of drifted snow. Three campers, two trailers, and one semi-truck trailer were overturned by high winds.
1992 - A large storm system hung around for days, depositing substantial amounts of water to favored northern Utah areas that do well in a southwest flow. Some of the highest precipitation amounts included: Liberty 4.60", North Ogden 4.48", Deer Creek 4.18", and Ogden 3.30".
1959 - Wind gusts up to 90 mph occurred between Salt Lake City and Brigham City. In Centerville a filling station blew down, windows were blown out, and roofs were damaged. On a highway near Farmington, 11 semi-trailers and a small car were overturned. Estimated damages totaled $5,000,000.
1964 - Winds over 70 mph destroyed the doors and roofs of several Provo Airport hangars, and damaged three aircraft.
1988 - Thunderstorms struck Cedar City with .51" of rain, most of which fell in 20 minutes. Also, ¼" to 5/8" diameter hail blanketed the ground. It hailed for 16 minutes and the temperature dropped from 68°F down to 44°F.
1959 - Violent winds estimated at over 100 mph ripped through Wasatch Front canyons causing several million dollars in damage to properties and structures.
1991 - The coldest day ever for any October day at a few locations. Brigham City only reached a high of 36°F which eclipsed the old record of 40°F set on October 19, 1984. Duchesne barely made it up to 24°F during the day, breaking the old record of 26°F set on October 19, 1984. Vernal only reached 27°F for a high temperature, breaking the old record of 29°F set on October 31, 1972.
1991 - Brrrr!!! What a cold morning across the state of Utah. Many new record low temperatures were set. Randolph experienced the coldest October morning ever with a bone chilling -1°F.
1936 - Two inches of rain fell over many areas of northern Utah.
1963 - The Great Salt Lake reached an all-time low of 4,191.35 feet, some 20 feet lower than the all-time high set in 1986.
1986 - Hurricane-force easterly canyon winds hit Davis and Weber Counties. Wind speeds reached 81 mph at Bountiful and 74 mph at Farmington. Power lines, trees, and signs were downed.
1995 - Heavy rains fell across portions of Washington and Kane Counties in southwest Utah. Rainfall amounts for the day were: Hurricane 2.23", La Verkin 2.10", Kanab 1.74", and Virgin 1.43".
1994 - The first major winter storm of the season struck the valley locations of northern Utah. Power outages caused by the weight of the snow kept power crews busy. Parleys Canyon was closed for about two hours during the evening due to numerous accidents. Snowfall amounts from the storm generally ranged from three to seven inches from the Cache Valley southward to Nephi. A few spots received even higher amounts, such as North Salt Lake with 10" and Mapleton and Laketown with 9".
1957 - A late fall cloudburst hit areas near Castle Dale and Green River in east-central Utah. Rain fell in the valleys with snow in the mountains. Some nearby areas were isolated by flooding, with several washouts reported along the swollen Green River.
1994 - The same major winter storm that hit northern Utah on the 2nd reached southern Utah on the 3rd, bringing large amounts of snowfall to an area from Fillmore to Modena. Snowfall amounts included: Kanosh 24", Modena 18", Milford and Meadow 12", Fillmore 11", and Cedar City 10" (4" in one hour). Later in the day the storm moved into the Uintah Basin dropping 6" of snow at Vernal.
1986 - Lake effect snows piled up south of the Great Salt Lake. Tooele picked up 16" of snow, while South Jordan received 10" of the white stuff.
1983 - A winter storm, enhanced by the Great Salt Lake, dumped heavy snow in portions of the Salt Lake Valley. Over 12" of snow was reported from Sandy westward to West Valley City.
1986 - Utah's highest wind gust was recorded at Hidden Peak at Snowbird Ski Resort: 124 mph.
1984 - Alta Ski Resort received 39" of snow in a 30-hour period.
1985 - An early winter snowstorm unloaded snow across extreme northern Utah. Wellsville received 8" of snow.
1955 - Lightning damaged the Loa Elementary School at Loa (Wayne County) in southern Utah.
1982 - In southern Utah 10" of snow fell at the Long Valley Junction in Wayne County.
1978 - Strong easterly canyon winds along the Wasatch Front blew the roofs off buildings and homes, and blew down power lines, signs, and trees. Storm damage reached $300,000. The state's highest wind gust for a bench location was recorded on the Bountiful Bench at 120 mph.
1983 - A peak wind gust of 105 mph was reported on the top of the gondola at Park City Ski Resort.
1973 - Winds gusted over 75 mph at Salt Lake, Ogden, and Tooele, causing damage to mobile homes and construction sites. Trees were uprooted and power lines were downed, resulting in power outages throughout northern Utah.
1955 - A motorist who wandered away from his stalled car a few miles from Fairfield (Utah County), was eventually found lying on the road and nearly frozen to death.
1958 - Up to three feet of snow fell in the mountains and 15" at lower elevations, blocking northern Utah highways and downing utility lines.
1991 - A vigorous storm system moved into southern Utah with heavy snow. Bryce Canyon picked up 26" of snowfall, Enterprise received a whopping 18-20", and Panguitch had 13".
1964 - One of the worst windstorms ever recorded in Utah caused over $1,000,000 in damage. Wind speeds over 80 mph toppled a church spire in Logan. Several aircraft were seriously damaged in Box Elder County. Schools were closed in Weber County because broken windows caused rapid heat loss. Highways between Ogden and Salt Lake were closed for hours after large trucks and trailers were overturned. Power outages occurred throughout northern Utah.
1994 - A massive snow storm began in northern Utah on the 16th and continued into the 17th, and spread into southern Utah on the 18th and 19th. Snowfall totals included: Alta 48", Brighton 43", Park City Ski Resort 37", Duck Creek 36", Enterprise 24", Cedar City 21", Midway 20", Fillmore 19", New Harmony 16", Spanish Fork 14", Springville and Coalville 13", Tooele and Manti 12", Provo BYU 11", Monticello, Ogden, Escalante, Heber, and Kanab 10".
1983 - Lake Effect hit the southern end of the Salt Lake Valley, dropping 12" of snow fell on Herriman and Bluffdale.
1985 - Infrequent winter thunderstorms developed off the Great Salt Lake. Lightning even hit a swamp cooler in the Salt Lake Valley. As much as 6" of snow fell along the Wasatch Front.
1982 - Strong wind gusts up to 70 mph occurred at Tooele and Bountiful in northern Utah.
1992 - A major winter storm clobbered the Wasatch Front and most of northern Utah making the morning commute a really true adventure. A 15-20 minute junket to work turned out to be a 90 minute ordeal with Mother Nature. Some snowfall amounts were: Olympus Cove and Bountiful Bench 16", SLC Avenues and Layton Bench 10-12", Scofield and Salem 12", Highland Park 11", Payson 10", Tooele and downtown Salt Lake City 9", Taylorsville 7", and Coalville 5".
1902 - "Red snow amounting to one inch" fell at Tropic (Garfield County) in south central Utah. The red color of the snow was due to the red sand which had been picked up by the winds. The area has large formations of red sandstone rock.
1983 - A broad storm system unloaded snow all across Utah. Snow reports of over 12" in valley locations were common. The Great Salt Lake "lake effect" dumped two feet of snow on Tooele. Areas from Kaysville to North Ogden reported up to 12" of snow. Gusty winds blew and drifted the snow, reducing surface visibilities to near zero in some areas.
1977 - Winds gusting to more than 100 mph ripped through Little Cottonwood Canyon. Sustained winds of 75 mph with gusts of over 100 mph were reported at Snowbird Ski Resort. The winds created deep snow drifts.
1992 - Alta set a new 24-hour snowfall record for a mountain location with 45" of snow from 11:30 AM on the 22nd to 11:30 AM on the 23rd. This eclipsed the previous record of 38" set at this same location on December 1-2, 1982. In addition, heavy snow fell along many bench locations of the Wasatch Front. The Bountiful Bench received 17-21" of snow from this same storm.
1952 - After 134 days without measurable precipitation, Delle, located 50 miles west of Salt Lake City, ended its drought that began on July 12.
1980 - A hefty snowstorm permitted some ski areas to open early. The mountains of northern Utah received over 12" of "the greatest snow on earth."
1983 - The 3rd winter storm of the month gave many areas of Utah a real taste of winter. Snowfall amounts included: Tooele 12", Kanosh 11", Monticello 7", and Vernal 5".
1984 - A localized lake effect storm dropped 20" of snow in the South Jordan/Copper City area of the Salt Lake Valley. Kearns reported 13" of snow and Tooele picked up 12".
1988 - A series of winter storms pounded the northern Utah mountains with 50" of powder falling at Alta and 41" at Snowbird. The Spruces in Big Cottonwood Canyon picked up 33" of snow.
1989 - A block buster snowstorm coupled with lake effect enhancement dumped an incredible 60" of snow at Alta in the northern Utah mountains. Solitude recorded 56" of powder and Park City received 23". Midway received the most snow for a valley location with 14" of the white stuff. Water amounts were very impressive in the mountains with 6.61" of water recorded at Alta.
1994 - A storm that lasted for four days came in several surges and combined with the warm waters of the Great Salt Lake to produce the DLE--Dreaded Lake Effect--across northern Utah. Massive amounts of snow fell in the Wasatch Mountains. The Alta Guard (UDOT location) received an incredible 92" of snow, while Snowbird reported 64" of snow. Valley snowfall amounts were substantial as well: Bountiful Bench 17", Snyderville and Midway 16", Sugarhouse 15", Holladay 14", Spanish Fork 12", Sandy 11", Salt Lake City International Airport and Heber 10".
1993 - Brrrr!!! A very cold morning with low temperatures well below zero at many locations: Woodruff -26°F, Randolph -25°F, Snyderville -13°F, and Trenton, Alta and Park City -6°F.
1981 - Cold weather produced heavy snow in southern Utah. Six inches of snow fell at Kanab and Monticello.
1975 - A major winter storm caused $350,000 in damages across northern Utah. A cross-country skier caught in the storm froze to death. Snowfall totals of 12" were common in the valleys, with higher amounts along the bench areas.
1983 - The Cache Valley received nearly 18" of snow. Cold Canadian air followed behind the front. Minimum temperatures came in as follows: Randolph -21°F, Woodruff -20°F, and Smithfield -17°F.
1982 - St. George received a near-record of .98" rain in 24-hours.
1995 - Record high temperatures were set for the day at over 20 stations across the state. The Salt Lake City International Airport set a new record with a maximum temperature of 68.1°F. This is the warmest reading ever for so late in November, and November 1995 was the warmest November on record at Salt Lake City.
1995 - The warmest December day ever for many locations across Utah. The following locations broke all-time high temperatures for the month of December: Brigham City and Ogden 66°F, Delta, Nephi, and Tooele 70°F, Heber 68°F, Logan 67°F, Midway and Vernal 65°F, Park City 57°F, Provo BYU 72°F, Richfield 68°F, Salt Lake City 69°F, and Zion NP 74°F.
1982 - The atmospheric pressure at Salt Lake City fell to an all-time low of 29.01 inches of mercury. This broke the record of 29.04 inches recorded on January 12, 1932. Heavy snow fell throughout northern Utah, with Bountiful Bench receiving 17" and Salt Lake City 9". Major traffic tie-ups occurred and schools closed.
1983 - Strong winds preceded a vigorous cold front in northern Utah. Tooele reported a peak wind gust of 72 mph, while Park City Ski Resort reported a gust of 100 mph at the top of the gondola.
1902 - Fog prevailed over the Salt Lake Valley for eight consecutive days.
1966 - Record-breaking rainfall over southwest Utah caused the Virgin River to rise 12 feet in the Zion Narrows. A new campground and amphitheater at Zion National Park were washed out. Springdale was briefly isolated and several miles of Highway 15 were washed out. During the deluge the following rainfall amounts included: Grassy Flat 12.60", Duck Creek 11.39", and Pine Valley 11.00".
1952 - Extreme winds estimated over 100 mph toppled and completely destroyed KSL-TV's tower. (the tallest in the country) located atop 9,200-foot Coon Peak in the Oquirrh Mountains, 17 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. The falling tower narrowly missed the operators' quarters. The tower, designed to withstand much stronger winds, fell because of a faulty section.
1966 - Winds over 58 mph blasted through Milford (Beaver County) in southwest Utah. The winds damaged trailers, cinderblock walls, and offices at the Milford Airport. Power was out at the airport weather station for nearly six hours.
1978 - Powerful easterly canyon winds up to 85 mph blew along I-15 between Bountiful and Hill Field in northern Utah. The winds overturned many large trailers and trailer trucks.
1985 - Dense fog resulted in a multi-car accident at Beck Street in North Salt Lake.
1957 - Blizzard conditions dumped up to 16" of snow in the Uinta Basin of northeast Utah. Several canyon roads were closed along the Wasatch Range. A number of people were injured in Weber County.
1982 - Cedar City residents in southwest Utah were the recipients of 15" of snow. Winds created large snowdrifts and caused zero visibility in the Farmington area of northern Utah. Strong winds blew cars into guard rails in Parleys Canyon.
1985 - A strong winter storm dumped up to 24" of snow in the valleys of the Wasatch Front and up to 48" of snow in the mountains.
1982 - Freezing rain fell across central Utah, causing serious travel problems in and around Delta and Fillmore.
1985 - Canyon winds hit northern Utah with peak wind gusts as follows: Centerville 74 mph, Smithfield 72 mph, Bountiful 70 mph, and Utah State University in Logan 68 mph.
1990 - A strong temperature inversion only allowed the high temperature to reach 45°F at Salt Lake City. Meanwhile the inversion broke in Provo, allowing the high temperature to climb to 65°F.
1973 - Winds gusting to 75 mph swept across northern Utah. Power outages occurred and trucks and mobile homes were toppled in Tooele County.
1958 - Winds gusting over 60 mph in southwest Utah caused dust that reduced visibilities to near zero.
1983 - A strong winter storm hit northern Utah, producing 12" of snow along the Provo Bench.
1990 - A fast moving cold front blasted the western half of Utah with heavy snow, 30-40 mph winds, and lightning/thunder (a rare Utah occurrence in December). Some snowfall amounts for the three to four hour period following the front included: Brighton 23", Snowbird 20", and generally 3-6" across the northwest valleys and 4-8" across the southwest valleys.
1988 - A "severe canyon wind episode" happened in Davis, Weber, and Salt Lake Counties, and the Cache Valley. The winds reached hurricane force late on the 14th until mid-afternoon on the 15th. The damage produced was phenomenal. Semis were overturned between Farmington/Kaysville on I-15, closing the roadway for a period of time. At one time, 50,000 UP&L customers were without power. Trees were uprooted, windows blown out, trailers moved off their foundations and one overturned. A house under construction in Layton was destroyed, a roof was blown off of a house in Centerville, schools were closed throughout Davis and Weber Counties, and several businesses were closed. Wind-chill temperatures dropped to 40°F. Some of the wind reports were: Centerville 104 mph (the highest the anemometer reads), KVNU Radio in Logan 90-100 mph, South Ogden 92 mph, Logan and Smithfield 84 mph, Hill AFB 74 mph, Kaysville 67 mph, Randolph 64 mph, and Taylorsville 59 mph.
1969 - Persistent dense fog and smoke settled over the valleys of Wasatch Front. Limited visibility caused one traffic death and two aircraft deaths.
1957 - A week-long dense fog episode in the Salt Lake Valley severely reduced visibility.
1970 - Old Man Winter delivered record snowfall along the Wasatch Front and northern Utah mountains. Up to 24" of snow fell in valley locations, with two deaths attributed to the storm. Roofs collapsed under the weight of the snow.
1990 - On the 17th, strong south winds howled ahead of an approaching monster winter storm that was taking aim on the state. As the storm deepened strong south winds developed in Box Elder County and in the Cache Valley, resulting in blowing and drifting snow. On the 18th, Cedar City reported a wind gust of 66 mph from the south. A cold front (with some lightning flashes) moved along the Wasatch Front during the evening. On the 19th and 20th, the main storm system clobbered the entire state with heavy snow. Some snowfall amounts included: Duck Creek 32", Brighton 27", Elk Meadows and Powder Mountain 24", Park City 20", Pleasant Grove 14", Long Valley Junction 12-16", Orem 13", Springville 12", Monticello 11", and Meadow and Fillmore 10" .
1984 - Enterprise, in southwest Utah, received 17" of snow.
1916 - The heaviest snows "for 50 years" piled high in northern Utah. Severe blizzards occurred in many places as many correspondents reported the snow was the "heaviest ever known."
1981 - A mammoth snowstorm hit the Salt Lake Valley. Bench areas received over a foot of snow, with 19" reported at Olympus Cove.
1990 - The high temperature of 2°F at the Salt Lake City International Airport established a new all-time record low maximum temperature. Brrrr!!!
1987 - A "big-time" snow storm walloped all of Utah, especially the mountains and western half of the state. The storm came just in time to give most of Utah a White Christmas. Some snowfall totals included: Alta. 37", Snowbird 35", Elk Meadows 30", Fillmore 21", Kanosh 18", Park City and Olympus Cove 17", Meadow 14", Tooele 12", Cache Valley, Cedar City, and Springville 10".
1955 - Locally heavy rains caused a sharp increase in the water flow of many streams in northern Utah. Several thousand acres of farmland in Morgan County were flooded when creeks overflowed their banks. Roads along the Weber River were covered with two feet of water. One concrete bridge was washed out near Mountain Green, stranding five families. Unofficial rainfall estimates of up to 3.00" were given.
1990 - An Arctic chill had a firm grip on Utah with many new record cold temperatures observed. All-time record lows for any time/any month were set at: Milford -35°F, previously -34°F on 1/9/37; Delta 30°F, previously 27°F on 2/7/89; Nephi -21°F, previously -18°F on 1/29/49; and 2/6/82 Tooele 16°F, previously -16°F also on 2/10/33. In addition, some other cold low temperatures were: Middle Sink (up Logan Canyon) -57°F, Woodruff -44°F, Flowell -43°F, Roosevelt -40°F, and Richfield -32°F. St. George tied for the coldest December morning on record with 3°F.
1990 - The all time record low temperature for the Cache Valley was tied at the Historic Farm with -44°F. Previously this temperature was reached at Lewiston on 1/21/37.
1983 - "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas," became a reality across the state. Many areas received heavy snow on Christmas day. At Logan, canyon winds gusted to 62 mph, causing severe blizzard conditions.
1988 - A "White Christmas" developed across Utah as an intense winter storm moved through the state. Snowfall amounts were phenomenal with 6-12" common in the lower valleys and 18-22" on some bench locations, with about 24" in the mountains. Some snowfall storm totals included: Glendale 24", Olympus Cove 22", Sandy 21", Bountiful 17-20", Kearns and Brigham City 17", Centerville 16", Tremonton and Holladay 15", Fruit Heights, Smithfield, and Clarkston 14", and Monticello, Kanab, and Springville 12".
1990 - Many towns across Utah experienced their coldest high temperature on record: Brigham City 16°F, Fillmore 10°F, Logan 0°F, Ogden 14°F, Spanish Fork 12°F, St. George 37°F, and Tooele 21°F.
1984 - Under a strong temperature inversion, Salt Lake City reported a high temperature of only 27°F. In comparison, Provo BYU reported a balmy high temperature of 51°F.
1988 - A very dense patch of fog along the Jordan River at around 5400 South and 1100 West caused a 67 car pileup on I-215.
1983 - The first sunny day in the Salt Lake Valley in 50 days.
1972 - A heavy snowstorm accompanied by strong winds deposited a record-breaking 18.1" of snow in 24 hours at Salt Lake City, closing the Salt Lake City International Airport for 20 hours. Winds piled up heavy snow on the roof of a new mall in Salt Lake County, causing the collapse of a 250 foot section.
1973 - Massive avalanches caused damages in excess of $250,000 to automobiles and resort buildings at Snowbird and Alta Ski Resorts.
1985 - Five deaths were attributed to extremely hazardous weather conditions, as "the worst" freezing rain episode "in recent memory," occurred from Utah County to Sevier County.
1975 - A major winter storm produced near blizzard conditions across northwest Utah, resulting in numerous vehicle accidents and damages estimated at $300,000.
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